Naa Oyoo Quartey

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After Almost 2 Years of Breastfeeding I'm Weaning My Toddler And It's Not Easy!

I chose to breastfeed for 2years somewhere during the lockdown and what a whirlwind of exhaustion and emotions it’s been! I used to wonder how Moms dealt with breastfeeding a child with filled in baby teeth. Now I know. 😅 I am not sure it’s true when they say ‘baby boys love breastfeeding more than baby girls.” I think it’s a matter of the duration of the nursing period and how attached and connected the child becomes over time to being in Mommy’s arms. Because my daughter can suck breast and make everyone marvel!

During the early infant stages, she struggled to latch on properly because of my large nipples hence she would always sleep on the breast due to tiredness. Eventually when the milk flow improved after several manual and electrical breast pumping efforts, she was hooked! She was so hooked she even refused drinking expressed breastmilk from a bottle (plastic or bottle) and as for infant formula it wasn’t even an option anymore after 4months.

When she turned 1, I was ready to wean her but then COVID happened and I read some articles on how breastfeeding increased immunity in babies & toddlers against the virus so I decided to continue. I also felt I wasn’t ready to wean her yet not wanting to lose that close-knit emotional comfort and connection we shared when she was nursing. It’s a truly indescribable feeling of love.

A week ago, I just decided to just start weaning her off completely. I was exhausted from running the restaurant to handling toddler tantrums, teething , poor eating habits and increased breastfeeding demands at night and working hours. I had lost too much weight. I was emotionally and mentally drained. I remember trying bitter leaves back in January to wean her off. I mashed the leaves and applied it generously on each boob. Soon she climbed up to feed and I watched her closely. This child squeezed her face whilst sucking, paused and continued feeding! Like?? Unperturbed! 😭😭 It was time.

The Nanny and I came up with a plan to send her off to my Mom’s to spend the night and pick her up in the mornings for a week and during the day not to offer her the breast at all. Great idea! Would it work? We didn’t know but it was worth a try. Mind you, she’s never been away from me ever since she was born. So this was going to be tough on her. Also she sleeps with me in my bed and she’s always close to the boobs at night. Now she’s going to be in a different bed with zero access and a different human being. Ego beee kɛkɛ 🤣.

The week started as usual and soon it was time to pack her off! My cousin came to pick them up and I made a big show as though I was going along with them and immediately did a detour to my car before she could realise what was happening 😆. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about how the night would go knowing very well she wasn’t going to be exactly amused about not seeing her mother. But I shrugged it off and my inner me assured me that small crying will not kill her🙈😂.

For the first time since I had a baby, I slept long and deep without any interruptions! I had a long leisurely bath and felt so refreshed in the morning! Not for one second did I call the Nanny to enquire if all was well 😅. I had to be strong , committed and determined.💪🏾

Day 1 of Being Away From The Forfor

Just like I expected to hear from the Nanny, my mom and cousins in the house; IT WASN’T A JOKE!! She screamed for Mama all through the evening till 11pm before sleep overcame her. Nobody got a wink of sleep until after midnight. Then she woke up in the night crying again because no FORFOR! I actually felt sorry for her and everyone else in the house. 🤣 My Mom said at a point she took her for an evening walk to abate her cries and she pulled my Mom in the direction of every white car she saw ( I drive a white car). Then she started saying ‘I want to go to Mama’ . My daughter is actually very clear in her speaking skills and easily says what’s on her mind though in duo phrases which are easy to understand .

Day 2 of Being Away From The Forfor

This time I dropped them off myself and once she was settled in with her juice I ran out without saying goodbye.

This time she didnt get mad at everyone and apparently played a bit before sleeping. She's getting the memo. 🤣 During the day she only asked for the boob once and I distracted her by offering her cuddle time. That way she didn’t feel abandoned by my refusal to nurse her.

What I've been doing

  1. I have been expressing out all the breastmilk to prevent engorging and painful mastitis. The milk just seems to be building up every morning 😭. Sometimes I hand express as it seems faster than the machine.

  2. I don't offer her the boob like I used to and I don’t put myself in a position to encourage her to have access to the boob e.g. sitting or lying on the floor close by her as she plays. Social distancing the breastfeeding way 🤪

  3. I stopped wearing nursing blouses and dresses with easy access for breastfeeding. I have been wearing blouses with high necks and dresses with complicated closures. Her every attempt is now a problem she’s not ready to solve so she gives up trying.

  4. After she returns home, I give her lots of cuddles to reassure her that Mommy loves her and this is only temporary.

So far so good 😅 . I plan on plastering the entire boobhood when she returns after the final day so that at night she’ll search saaaa but no forforrr!!

Breastfeeding in the beginning is hard, breastfeeding at the end is also hard. I now also understand why some new moms give up breastfeeding so early. It’s really tough! nothing comes easy. But the nutritional and immunity pro’s of nursing your child on God-manufactured unadulterated unprocessed liquid gold farrrrr outweigh the tiredness, crankiness, scratches, mid-feeding slaps, nipple bites and all! 😂

I would really like to know what you also did to wean your toddler off breastfeeding. Was it challenging or a breeze? Do share your experience in the comments below.