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Nominations Are Up For Blogging Ghana's, Blogging & Social Media Awards for 2016. #BloGHAwards16

Ghana’s biggest association of bloggers & social media influencers, Blogging Ghana has launched it’s Ghana Blogging & Social Media Awards for 2016.

The association of more than 200 members has over the past held the awards to recognize Ghanaian bloggers who create original and unique content across different topics in new media. The awards ceremony also awards organizations and individuals who are influential on social media whether in terms of followers, engagement or content. This is the fourth award event being held.

The nominations for 2016 are currently open for you to vote for your favourite blogger or blog as well as accounts on social media who are raking in the metrics.

You can vote here . The deadline for submission of nominations is the 29th of January, 2016. In case you are not sure of which blogs exist in Ghana then check out the blog roll call list here.

My blog is up for nomination for this year’s blog as Best Blog and Best Blogger. Please do nominate me if you love my content and me as well :*

I was on the red carpet last year for the awards interviewing nominees & guests. Woot!

Bloggers who win awards for their hardworking content not only get to carry prizes away but also get opportunities to work with brands who are looking for their type of content.


Last year’s awards at the Coconut Grove Hotel was thrilling and fun-tastic and this year promises to be more enthralling & engaging!.

Read More: Blogging & Social Media Awards 2015

It is going to be a night of haihai Blogging Ghana come like kaikai!