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How It All Went Down At #DumsorMustStop Vigil.

The long-awaited, non-partisan #DumsorMustStop has come to an end. A vigil initiated by Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson and some concerned Ghanaians took place today after some days of insults on social and traditional media. 'You are doing the work of NPP,' accused one NDC official as the Ghanaian actress announced her intentions. After all is said and done, the vigil finally took place. How was it, you ask? Thousands turned up with splatters of disorderliness and selfie-taking celebrities. The police helped to ensure a peaceful walk and i have no doubt in my mind that many of them were secretly glad to be part of the walk as they undoubtedly suffer just as we do. 

The power crisis in Ghana needs a solution NOW! We all love our country Ghana but when its time to speak up about our hardships we should. And thats what the vigil was about. 

Its not about NPP, NDC or CPP. Every individual suffers in one form or the other due to the power crisis. 

I almost cried last night as I lay in the humid darkness after almost 48hours of no light. It was a new experience for me. Crying because of electricity? Unheard of. 

The vigil could have been better organised by the celebrities who created the hashtag and started the online outcry of how #DumsorMustStop. The turnout was impressive. But the idea Yvonne Nelson had of people holding hands quietly didn't become a reality. Young men danced and sang the usual 'Jama' songs to entertain themselves or others, I couldn't tell. All the while, the police stood by quietly observing. 

The celebrities were surrounded by their bodyguards, which at a moment's glance I thought was pointless but then i objectively concluded that the average Ghanaian would be all over them and forget what lay ahead. What can be said about EL and his selfie taking craze with his fans? You no try kwraa. 


Sarkodie couldn't make it due to work calling in Miami and he expressed his apologies on Twitter although many didn't take it lightly at all. 

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Despite his absence, turnout was still massive! At least he lent his voice and his song Dumsor is on fleek ! A blunt song about the current situation in Ghana. Meanwhile on the international scene, BBC Africa shared this post from the day's event. 

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How many lives are going to be lost as hospitals resort to the use of torchlights to see the bodies they cut open?

Its not everyone who can afford to buy a generator. Those who can't are exposed to dangerous hazards and security risks. We walk about in darkness relying on the temporary use of candles, lanterns and torchlights. Are we lost?


How long are children going to be using candles to study whilst exposing themselves to eye strain and physical tiredness in class?

How many people will have to be laid off under a crippling economy?


Should this vigil end here? I don’t think so. This shouldn’t be about who made #dumsormuststop trend on Twitter. It should go further to moving government to reduce taxes on solar panels for the sun’s power to be harnessed for domestic and industrial use. It should go further across the country where we can stand united with one voice and speak up! 

The people shouted out songs blaming President Mahama for this current problem in the country. But how short our memory is. Remember the days of Acapulco Bay? We carried televisions to the closest suburb with electricity just to catch up on the series. The leadership of this country, past and present have mismanaged resources and made bad decisions in many areas of the country’s development. Unfortunately for our President, he made some promises to fix this problem and unfortunately has failed to do so. Hence the backlash. 

David Oscar and friends

Lets do more as Ghanaians. We need to start putting the country first in everything. 

Were you able to make it to the vigil? What did you think of it? Successful or Not? How has dumsor affected you? Please do share in the comments above to keep this conversation going instead of it being a trend statistic.