Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Lema Press: Transforming Brands in Ghana With 3D Digital Printing.

A great first impression when you first meet a prospect is and should be an objective of any brand. They can be impressed with your customer service representative who smiles at them at the reception or the impeccable uniforms worn by waiters in your restaurant. A memorable business card is also one of the things which creates a lasting impression on a customer prospect.  Not just any business card but one which speaks of quality, professionalism and a ready-to-sign this deal attitude; a 3D printed business card. The kind of card which when your prospect touches   immediately experiences all sorts of emotions. They are transported into what your brand is all about and they know they have to share your brand message to their customers as well.

Lema Press is one of the foremost digital printing companies in Ghana with about 7 years of experience and they recently acquired cutting-edge 3D digital printers with 3D varnish ( silver, gold, spot) features which are already producing high grade 3D digital cards. 

 As a professional blogger, I had my first business card printed there based on a referral from a friend. The quality, speed of delivery took me aback. The price further shocked and pleased me! Great quality at such an affordable price? How is this possible? But it was very real. 

Is this more cost effective as compared to ordering business cards from China or the UK? I have previously ordered MOO mini cards for my photography work and comparing the pricing for 100  mini cards cards at the GBP exchange rate which comes to about GHC 200 (minus shipping & taxes) to GHC100 for 100 3D printed cards having gold or silver varnish at the same quality,  I will definitely stick to Lema Press. That will be some immense business cost savings! 

I am now super psyched to get my first 3D digitally printed business card from Lema Press after seeing their handiworks on several. 

I intend to make my prospective clients to always have me in mind when looking for a professional blogger in Ghana and one of the ways I will do that is through my business card. Be a brand which stands out with your business cards