Why My Tweet On Sunday Morning Sex Went Viral.
One of the realities of marriage is the time, place and amount of sex you can have. You can have it at the oddest of times, strangest of places and uncountable times depending on several circumstances, ceteris paribus.
Personally, sex in the morning with my husband is like the best time ever to unleash passions. The body is more relaxed to enjoy the sensations of touch, movement and everything else in between.
Wait, I am getting to the headline. Chill. It was Sunday morning and we were getting ready for church and I decided to be naughty small and literally jumped my husband! Or rather pounced. I am not going into the gritty details to worry your eyes but all I will say is…I felt incredible! Empowered! 💪🏾💪🏾💃
We set off for church and as I bathed in the glorious afterglow 🌟 I couldn’t help but think of what a blessing it was to literally shag ( someone said this word is outmoded) my husband, go to church and lift up holy hands in worship in church or perhaps on top of him (TMI?) . It was such a free and exhilarating feeling! So since my fingers can get quiet twitchy especially with such deep thoughts, I tweeted it. The bird flew off before I could change my mind 😁.
I showed it to hubby who laughed his head off and said I should wait till the Twitter boys got their hands on that tweet. It would be hilarious, I said to him. But I don’t think I considered the magnitude of that tweet and how far it would get. Church service was great! Choir ministration saw me lifting up holy hands in thanks and appreciation.
By Sunday night, the tweet had been retweeted 800+ times. Shocker! What really amazed me was that most people quoted the tweet and added ‘Gooaalss’ ‘ This is Lit!’, '🔥🔥', ‘ You do all!’. I was astounded! I had broken Ghanaian Twitterdom.
By Monday the tweet was in the thousands and we also realized that @SubDeliveryMan had also retweeted so naturally Nigerian Twitter jumped on. Kai! It was a roller coaster from then on. When was it going to stop? 😅
Then I started getting screenshots from friends at church who came across it on their timelines. #DEAD. I thought about this for awhile and wondered why this happened. I have tweeted loads of things over the years but why did this tweet in particular generate such engagement? 🤔
The reason why I believe it was quoted as goals was because that’s the aim of every single person out there. Well for Christian singles anyway. Fornication is rife and trying not to fornicate in an age where sex is seen as, “ if you don’t do it you aren’t cool” and where sexual images and videos can easily be watched with a single tap of a finger, is tougher than munching on 6inch nails. I have been there.
I did fornicate during my singlehood or when I was in the dating phase. Even when I met my boyfriend, now my husband. Yes, I wasn’t a virgin when I got married. Sorry Mom. 😝 The fornication sin can cling so hard to you if you have had sex before. You always get the feeling to do it for the last time and repent. But you find yourself giving in to the man who is showing some promise of being THE MAN. But after doing it, you just don’t feel right. Yep. I never felt right after fornicating, even during the act I was struggling inside. Then I would find myself in church unable to lift up my hands to worship because I felt very guilty and would rather kneel and confess my sins
When we decided to abstain, trust me that was incredibly a very difficult time. It led to fights, cold war and whatnots. I had to be strong. It actually got easier along the way till the wedding night. We were knackered but we got it on before passing out.
Now that I am married, there’s no guilt or shame before, during and after sex. I am actually obeying Scripture by fulfilling my duties as a wife and he as a husband. Freedom bi what? I can go to church and lift up both hands and thank God for the gift of sex and how wise God is because truly sex in marriage to your husband (not someone else’s) is worth the wait.
Pre-marital sex was heart-pumping and all but to me that’s just the pricking of the Holy Spirit telling you to stop but your flesh is also hard at work poking at you (perhaps that's his D) not to. The danger of it all, getting caught at it, disobeying your parents, not listening to your mind, just boils into a cascading wave of raw emotions and desire. That’s fornication for you. After, you can deal with the guilt and sometimes pain especially when the man dumps you for another woman. Now you are left wondering and anguishing, ‘after I gave my body to him, how could he do this to me?’ That's one experience I will never forget! Then I will swear to abstain till I get married. Not easy. Sometimes relationships end because one person wants to abstain whilst the other for whatever reason doesn't.
It was fascinating to read the responses of many people concerning this tweet.
One guy shamefully copied and edited my tweet just to get retweets but my beautiful fans quickly caught him at it and exposed him. But did he repent. Nope.
I was told by a friend that his female work colleagues had taken ascreenshot of the tweet and it had become a discussion amongst them. Wow!
I also believe that once in awhile it’s good to share some personal experiences on social media which other’s can learn a few lessons from. An example was my layoff which was my most popular post of all time!
- Another reason may have been that, its not common to have a married African woman saying something like this on Twitter. As married women we need to talk more about the realities of marriage for those coming in to be aware of some things. I am not saying to reveal all but there are lessons out there, which can benefit those yet to walk down the aisle.
- Could the last reason be that we love sex topics? But don’t want to admit it? Yet when someone shares their experience it gets quite a buzz out there?
My followership increased by almost 30 followers within three days! Does that mean, more ‘exclusive’ revelations are expected from me? Hmmmm….
I have heard people say, 'Ah but if you don't test the car, how sure are you that it will work?' to support their arguments on pre-marital sex. If the one you are going to be with is surely THE ONE, you don't have anything to worry about. God's got you. Like 100%. 😉 Have faith.