All in Food

Discover Mauritius - The People, The Food & More

There are some countries you will see on the internet and you cant help but wonder if its possible for you to go there. For me it’s been for a long time Mauritius and Maldives followed by the rest.  There’s something about seeing white sands and blue oceans surrounding tiny land mass of gorgeous resorts. It calls out to me. So when the golden ticket opportunity came up, I snatched it up like it was the last grain of Jollof on my dinner plate. Thank you Multichoice for my golden ticket. I used it well.

Find Out Who Got Baked In The Great British BakeOff. #OnlyTheBest.

I absolutely love the utensils I got from BBC Lifestyle and I cant wait to get home and bake muffins, scones, meatpie, jam rolls and sausage rolls! Baking for Dayyysss! I cant wait to watch The Great South African Bake Off next month! It will be airing from Tuesday 6th October at 20:00 CAT on BBC Lifestyle. This new bake off is part of BBC Worldwide’s ongoing commitment to provide high quality local programming. I am totally waiting the day there will be The Great Ghanaian Bake Off  or The Great West African Bake Off! We will bake Jollof Cake! Hehehe!!

Easy To Make : Agb3liKaaklo "Deep Fried Cassava Doughnut"

Agb3liKaaklo- Agb3li means cassava in Ewe and Kaaklo in Ga has long since been the rounded deep fried mashed plantain. So that’s where the two came together; round cassava balls. Or as the seller said- Cassava Doughnut. Oh but what a doughnut! Forget Krispy Kremes. This is tough and cruncy on the outside with a softer centre and is eaten together with matured coconut flesh.

This Healthy All-Ghanaian Fruit Mix is a GameChanger!

Imagine my delight when I discovered passion fruit, rambutans and sour sop (aluguitungui) all at the same fruit corner at Rawlings Park, Makola. A recipe was already brewing in my head as I made my purchase and made a quick exit of the choked marketplace. You know how the place gets right?

Rambutans are cousins of lychees and apparently are fruits brought in by the Chinese to cultivate here. One was GHC 0.50. One. Yes, one. But they are deliciously sensational!

Keeping and eating healthy is a priority for me. It's not an easy task though and it takes a lot of effort to eat right whilst going about your business. Here's a recipe I made with these fruits which are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and all kinds of nutritious sensationalism. 

Easy To Make: Kale & Mushroom Salad

You can imagine my delight when I discovered Kale at SowGreen during the Accra Green Market which I swung by today. Kale!!!! Oh boy, was some salad going to be in trouble! I then got really fresh oyster mushrooms from Green Harv Farms which is officially my best source of fresh oyster mushrooms any day, any time! 

The weather was perfect for a cool kale and mushroom salad and by the time I was done, this had to be the BEST salad I had ever made! Cross my heart! The vinaigrette was amazing and I took inspiration from the AllRecipe site. I wasn't sure if I had to steam the kale or eat it raw. But now I know raw is great! 

How to Perfect The Skill of Groundnut Soup.

Amongst all the Ghanaian soups or there my least favorite is groundnut soup. Yeah I shocked you didn't I? How? Well when you have spent three years in secondary school eating the same soup with gari, rice and kenkey it kinda grows on you. I could have sworn my blood was replaced by the brown liquid by the time school was done with me.  

So here I was preparing the same thing just to make sure my skills hadn't rusted over the years. I was also hoping to surprise my boo with some local dish  for dinner.

Avocado and Mango Salsa Recipe For Healthy Hearts.

What is it about Dumsor that it makes one lose vim to do anything productive? Even if that thing doesn't involve the use of electricity? Sighs! Thats exactly how I felt just when I was about to dive into making this Mango and Avocado salsa, totally killed my vim mood and I moved the recipe to the next day. #DumsorMustReallyStop ! 

Soo... have great 10 minutes fun trying out this salsa which rocks with seafood or grilled chicken! Yummy! 

Guacamole Recipe Tried By A JamesTown Woman.

Its avocado season in Ghana and what better time to try out avocado recipes whilst the sun is shining? Popularly called 'Paya', a turn on the word Pear, the soft and mushy fruit is a great accompaniment in many Ghanaian dishes. I love Pear with Ga Kenkey, Banku and on the side of Attieke (this idea i recently discovered at a popular spot behind the Osu mall). It goes down perfectly with bread, a bit of magarine with a giant cup of Lipton tea. Yes, my Grandma trained me well! 

This is a perfect meal for breakfast and an early evening meal for those  not wanting to eat heavy. Mushrooms are currently in season in the country which makes it a perfect time to make all kinds of dishes. The vegetable which is gluten-free, cholesterol free, fat-free and low in calories and very low in sodium provides important nutrients such as selenium, niacin and vitamin D.  Mixing this with more vegetables was guaranteed to see me through my busy schedule for the day which included a visit to the printers

Easy to Make - Gari Foto

I hadn’t made gari fortor in a long while. Its just one of those dishes which isn’t regular in my home. Its not like jollof which we can prepare at least once a week, four times a month. It has a low shelf-life thanks to the possibility of the gari losing its freshness. But I had stated my intention on Instagram so here I was standing in my dumsor-free kitchen preparing the dish which can look deceptively like jollof from a distance. Get closer and you will be disappointed.