First things first. The first standard is to be useful on NaaOyooQuartey. Do you have valuable costs-effective tips for keeping a home ? Are you blessed with having trendy fashion knowledge which everyone seeks? What of your enviable cooking skills?
NaaOyooQuartey's readers are hungry and eager for informative and valuable content which will not only entertain but also add social, personal and health values and inspiration to their lives.
This blog needs to provide real and original content to its beloved readers. Every post needs to be relevant to topics at hand.
Relevance is cherished at NaaOyooQuartey.
I can be picky about typos but we all make mistakes every now and then. But do please subject any post to a detailed spell check. Grammar of course included. Be fun and interesting but do be extra careful with spellings.
If you have any original, rich and relevant post idea you would want featured please do fill the form below and share that idea with us and why you think it would be a good fit. Don't forget to add a link or two to one of your most popular post (i.e if you have your own blog. It's optional however). In your submission please add your bio (a short one) and a cute headshot as well :).
About the author: Naa Oyoo Quartey is the content creator & editor of and founder of