All in Food

Easy-to-Make : Baked Grouper Fish With Sweet Red Potatoes.

There was no way I was going to use frozen fish for this dinner.  Fresh fish all the way. If ever you are looking to buy fresh fish from the seaside on a Sunday, then you can try out this area behind the Osu Castle also called ‘Tsei Ashi’ (this means under the trees). The local fishermen can be found there from 4pm displaying their catch on wooden pallets. That gutter there tho. I keep wondering why we don’t have more organized markets in this country. Like, if I want to go to the fish market there isn’t any, I have to go to a normal market and hunt down the fish sellers.

Easy To Make: Caramelized Mango Stuffed Crepes

Pancakes. I love pancakes with much affection as I love Banku. Pancakes in Ghana isnt very common in most homes and can be found uncommonly in some areas of Accra. I always knew of a market woman in Makola who made pancakes somewhere in Makola. Her pancakes were so flat it was almost transparent but very sweet with crunchy brown edges- and oily too!

Easy to Make: Sobolo- Hibiscus & LemonGrass Iced Tea Recipe

The Sobolo drink also called Bissap or Roselle is a species of Hibiscus native to West Africa.  It is gradually taking over the local beverage industry in Ghana. Despite being around for centuries, this local drink for the past three years has gotten quite a bit of attention. Today, small-scale home-based businesses are tapping into this drink by bottling and selling it in all kinds of flavours.  Think of ginger, lemon, coconut water, pineapple etc.

A Little Taste of Pure Nebraska Beef.

Le Steak est ici! Finally the grand steak in its best medium-rare brownish attire turned up at the right time when my stomach gave a mini-growl. Grrrr… The type you hope no-one hears.  A scallion was placed casually across its width.  The steak look just like any other steak I had come across. But what would the taste be like? It was served with a side of cassava fries and chimicurri.

Easy To Make: The Perfect Homemade Coconut Muffins.

I am a disappointed cupcake maker. I ‘blasted’ in an attempt to make my first cupcake. Very serious blasting which could be heard from one end of my neighborhood to the Oxford Street. I later got told of my grievous errors by my Aunt and had she not encouraged me to not give up on trying again; I would have thrown in the apron. Never say never! 

So I made muffins to get over my despondency the following morning. My favourite muffins of all time are Banana muffins. The moist & sweet taste of banana caught up in the muffin mix is just one of those experiences which gives an eater the best foodgasmic sensation.

PHOTOS: A Display of Local & International Cuisine At The Accra Premium Food Festival

Food festival!! Accra has been filled with many events these past two months. From ChaleWote to The Ghana Garden & Flower Show, each event brought with it its own delightful content ranging from artworks, cultural music, local greenery and natural hairstyles. And now the city experienced food of all kinds at the Accra Premium Food Festival. 

The two-day festival by Accra Premium was held at Alliance Francais and it was a busy people-packed event with food vendors enticing us with mouth-watering food.

How I Started My Backyard Garden By Using Recycled Car Tyres.

I just got fed up one day after visiting the market. Things are getting expensive. I am talking about basic ingredients for making a great meal. Tomatoes which are being imported from Burkina Faso always seem to be getting more expensive. Onions which always gives my gravies extra flavor keeps skyrocketing. As for Kpakposhito, I was almost insulted in Makola for asking the market woman to ‘wo mli’ ( top up). 1 cedi wouldn’t even last two stews.

My solution? To go back to creating my own backyard farm, yes! It wouldn’t be the first time. When I was in Ridge Church School, we were taught how to make vegetable beds and plant vegetables. I was so enthused that I took this idea back home and told my Dad I wanted to plant carrots and lettuce. And I did! It was such a rewarding experience which I now want to bring back.

Easy To Make: Homemade Coconut & Banana Smoothie.

My love affair with coconut grows everyday. It’s a real love affair brewed in a blackened African pot over smoldering coals. Don’t expect it to end anytime soon. I keep discovering and creating my own recipes with either coconut water, the milk or the meat. Coconut is an all-round miracle fruit packed with amazing health benefits. I can confess that since I started drinking coconut water every other day it has really helped reduce that irritable indigestion I get every now and then. The health benefits of coconut oil, water and milk are numerous!