My love for cooking actually started in my childhood as mentioned earlier but it was my time in Spain during an out-of-job stint when my husband gave me the idea to further pursue my passion by going to a chef school.
All in Food
My love for cooking actually started in my childhood as mentioned earlier but it was my time in Spain during an out-of-job stint when my husband gave me the idea to further pursue my passion by going to a chef school.
This recipe was inspired by this gem I found on Pinterest. I always do a bit of background reading on the health benefits of the main ingredient, in this case bok choy
It wasn't simply a food market to experience the different foods (Jollof and grills mostly) and drinks ( exotic cocktails, palmwine and fresh juices) but with regards to content it was a fresh breath of air of mixing entertainment with eats. FUN, FOOD, FABNESS!
How many Saturday's in a year do you get food events all happening on the same day in the city of Accra? almost never right? But today is one of those rare glorious weekends where foodies in the city can rejoice 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 as the dawn ushers in three food events.
A few metres from MJ Grand Hotel, tucked into one of the residential lanes is where Bandex Restaurant shyly sits, away from the hustle and bustle of the main East Legon streets. It's homey look ushers a diner into a no-fuss dining area. A straw-covered hut is also one's choice for a more natural outdoor ambiance.
This salad is a new recipe I developed on the go for a late lunch break. I had gone to North Industrial Area earlier in the day when I spied a Farmers Market signboard and decided to go check out what they had in stock. The celery was actually reasonably priced so I grabbed that before my mind could change. Celery salad here I come.
What started out as a normal restaurant business day for Quincy, ended up being a numbing experience requiring the snappiest of decisions. His business partner left him with cake order yet to be fulfilled. With zero experience in the baking of cakes, he quickly turned to YouTube for cake tutorials.
I am forever drawn to the use of traditional cooking techniques and just like the family business which bakes pork in the clay oven, this bread was also being baked in same. That’s not all. The dough is allowed to prove ( the resting period for dough to rise) on…guess what…leaves. Not just any leaves but the ‘waakye' leaves we all know and love. Isn’t that an incredible piece of information?? I know right! Now this bread is called Baa Mli Blodo
Chow Ghana is the Food Festival which is going to be one of the very different from other festivals which have come and gone.
In case you just asked, 'what on earth is black rice?' let me take you to class for a minute 😄. Black rice which I recently discovered whilst actually looking for Ramen ingredients, has been documented as coming originally from ancient China
The Mensah family has run a small-scale Domedo business for almost 100 years and I recently paid them a visit after being introduced to them by my friend Naa Akuyea. I was curious to know what their story was , more so especially after learning that they used a centuries-old traditional cooking technique to bake pork; a clay oven which we call Flornorr in Ga.