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Highly Recommended Productivity Apps For Any Startup!

Being a founder of an ecommerce startup in Ghana has been a gap bridging experience for me so far. The founders team is made up of 5 young enterprising people and managing the operations of the business currently revolves around a lot of technological adaptations especially where productivity apps are concerned. Most start-ups always starts out as a small team which get together as often as they can especially where they have full time day jobs. This often is a challenge in terms of logistics and conflicts with other meetings. Having the right productivity apps solves this problem to ensure the team is still connected and able to track tasks and current projects.

7 Essentials Every Blogger Needs To Optimize Their Game.

Do you feel like you are ready to take your blogging more seriously and maybe start earning some form of income from your writing? Are you ready to be recognised as a professional blogger and wondering how to go about it? 


Currently in my fourth year of blogging, I have gone through just writing my thoughts on whatever popped into my head to writing on things that interest me and to a more defined area of lifestyle. Through these stages which I choose to call the different shades of blogging I have learnt through mentorship, self-research and hands on practicing of tips provided by industry leaders.

Hard Guy and Boss Chick Trended on Twitter This Weekend

Sundays on Twitter usually has football tweets running across my timeline. no pun intended. I love football don't get me wrong but it gets a bit long as i keep coming across insults, groans, sighs and GOOOAAAALLLLL tweets whilst looking for something new. 

But this Sunday was different with a hilarious trend going through my feed. Hard guy and Boss Chick was a satirical tweet going around the microblogging app. My curiosity got the better of me as I scrolled to see more of this trend and couldn't help but to get caught up in it. 

Messaging Apps Are Going Crazy With Stickers! Here Are The Best & Not-So-Great.

Did you ever exchange stickers in school? Just so you could stick them at the back of the jotter and feel like the coolest kid on the block? Well I did but like everyone else I grew out of them for like forever until about a year ago, thanks to Viber! So whats up (no pun intended) with all the instant messaging apps going gaga over stickers? Emoji-drained? Or feeding of lazy typists hunger for quick messages. After going through my iphone IM apps here are four of them with either the best or ‘stickiest’ stickers. 


Ghana has a cholera epidemic on her hands. 40 people have lost their lives already whilst 3,000+ cases lie on benches and floors in hospitals due to lack of bed space and facilities. All these has taken place within a space of three months and the situation doesn't look like its improving.

Our city is flowing with waste both human and environmental, its on the streets, in the markets and flowing through our gutters. This epidemic was bound to happen. The factors attributing to this health issue are many whilst solutions to prevent its occurrence are yet to be seen. 

There are selfies and there are Selfies with a capital S. Some selfies can win awards and get featured on popular photo sharing platforms. You can check Instagrams blog for #WHPselfportrait for inspirational examples. 

I love my selfies because they aren't selfie obvious. Here are some fantastic tips on how to capture a great self-portrait with your iPhone (and other smartphones) 😋. 

The Woman in Tech; Ethel Cofie Gives Insights On YALI and Why Matrix is Her Favorite Movie.

I first met Ethel Cofie during one of the #TechRepublic meetups at Republic Bar & Grill. We didn't speak much that night but the second time we did. Here was a woman who had some deep insights on technology and business strategy, and as she went on and on about how online payments and banks in Ghana could do a better job than they are now, I knew one of these days I had to feature her, then she told me about being selected as a candidate for YALI. That did it. 

A loyal reader reached out to me recently following my post on Free Wifi locations in Osu. I decided to post my response following her query:

I am a follower of your blog. I really like what you do on website. Please, I want to know how website addresses are personalized. I know there are some charges. How are those charges paid and to who, especially in Ghana. Can you also recommend good companies that host websites and are affordable? Thank you so much. - Delai

How To Use Pinterest's Guided Search To Literally Find Everything.

Pinterest has rolled out a fabulous product/feature which I believe will be a treat for Pinners and Ad companies everywhere; Guided Search. This is a simple but highly functional feature which gives high precision searches on anything on the app. A search for lets say food brings up tags such as Chinese, French, Easy, Dinner, etc and selecting any of these tags brings up other tags such as How To, DIY etc,