BREAKING NEWS!!! Its time to vote for various bloggers in Ghana to win under various categories at the Social Media Awards taking place at #blogcamp14 next month at the Kofi Annan ICT Centre. Last year was a blast! This year is going to be exciting and even more exciting is the awards for bloggers in Ghana excelling in the different categories of writing and sharing of #morestories. 

 Women are breaking the glass ceiling in every country in previously male-dominated jobs and industries. On International Women's Day celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March, there was a lot of talk on radio about inspirational women from different spheres of life and their inspirational accomplishments. Sometimes, certain names ring consistently and repeatedly throughout and sometimes with great ease we can easily roll off our tongues when asked to mention a woman of great inspiration.

How To Style Twist Braids Into a Mohawk.

t was hot last week Sunday after church. It was one of those hot days where all you wanted to do was either have a chilled glass of coke (which I had sworn not to drink this year) and just chill beneath the swirling ceiling fan. I told myself after changing from my Sunday best that there was no way my twist braids was going to hang around my shoulders or have it anywhere on my skin.  I suddenly got a brainwave to pull all my braids up and do something crazy and new.