This weekend promises to be exciting for all vintage car enthusiasts and car collectors as Total Ghana brings the Accra Vintage Car Show through a classic car parade and display at the Accra Polo Court.
This weekend promises to be exciting for all vintage car enthusiasts and car collectors as Total Ghana brings the Accra Vintage Car Show through a classic car parade and display at the Accra Polo Court.
Valentine's Day in secondary school was memorable and fun! I went to Mansite (bet you didn't know that) and every year for three years, February 14th was always an eventful day! Its one time where the avalanche of gifts and cards are so overwhelming that anyone who didn't even get one card felt depressed the whole term.
Its not everyday that you find a great Italian restaurant built like an African hut, nestling within the compound of a French language school. Actually almost uncommon I would say. But that’s where I discovered amazing pizza and I am not looking back again.
When the paint is fresh on your newfound love, you feel like grabbing a loudspeaker and declaring to the whole world in the words of Faith Evans, ‘I never knew there was a love like this before!’ whilst doing the ‘mesor’dance. Another alternative is to update your Facebook Relationship status to ‘In a Relationship With… or change your profile photo to you and your bae in a very cuddly pose and following that would be declarations of your love on his timeline.
Sundays on Twitter usually has football tweets running across my timeline. no pun intended. I love football don't get me wrong but it gets a bit long as i keep coming across insults, groans, sighs and GOOOAAAALLLLL tweets whilst looking for something new.
But this Sunday was different with a hilarious trend going through my feed. Hard guy and Boss Chick was a satirical tweet going around the microblogging app. My curiosity got the better of me as I scrolled to see more of this trend and couldn't help but to get caught up in it.
Growing up in a Ga home taught me some valuable cooking lessons: how to pound fufu on my own, how to use an iron cauldron to prepare banku, how to prepare all the various kinds of Ghanaian soups, how to create balls of Kenkey and make Fisherman’s soup. Most of these dishes were prepared using traditional methods and utensils over hot coals which gave each dish a unique taste which no other cooking method can compete against.
Did you ever exchange stickers in school? Just so you could stick them at the back of the jotter and feel like the coolest kid on the block? Well I did but like everyone else I grew out of them for like forever until about a year ago, thanks to Viber! So whats up (no pun intended) with all the instant messaging apps going gaga over stickers? Emoji-drained? Or feeding of lazy typists hunger for quick messages. After going through my iphone IM apps here are four of them with either the best or ‘stickiest’ stickers.