It was admiration because it’s different. It’s not a look most people have seen. Interestingly, people thought I wasn’t Ghanaian. They thought I was Malian because they think East Africans rock this. A few times I heard some people speak in Twi, “Ah, ofiri Ghana anaa oy3 America ni?” Generally, I think when people see others trying to overly embrace their heritage, it’s assumed they are coming from outside. So yeah, it’s been mostly admiration.

How to Make Your Own Homemade Ground Spices

Freshly ground spices is just too fantastically flavorsome! Bottled spices has NOTHING on homemade ground spices! Nothing kwraa!  

Best way to grind up spices is to use a dry mill machine. We got a Kenwood food processor sometime ago which had an additional two-blade dry grinder mill. It's great for grinding all kinds of spices, herbs and nuts.  

Spices In Ghana You Probably Haven't Heard of Before..Till Today.

I have realized how little we use some local spices in our cooking. We are gradually forgetting the traditional spices and choosing cubed seasoning which many at times are packed with MSG and other preservatives which aren’t kind to our health.

I went exploring in a spice market which is deep within the 31st December Women’s Market in Mokola Market to discover what other traditional spices we have aside ginger and pepper. What are their English names? What health benefits can we get from using these spices in our cooking? Do they have medicinal properties?

Busy Opens Its Ultra-Modern Experiential Office To Customers.

Busy is indeed getting busy and moving at a fast pace in the data network industry. Previously providing an Internet WiMax Service, Busy has rebranded into a 4G service providing company. 

The company formally opened up its colorful and ultra-modern experiential office to its customers recently. The event was MCĂ©d by Kwame Gyan who paved way for the the Busy executives to make their speeches. 

Easy-to-Make : Baked Grouper Fish With Sweet Red Potatoes.

There was no way I was going to use frozen fish for this dinner.  Fresh fish all the way. If ever you are looking to buy fresh fish from the seaside on a Sunday, then you can try out this area behind the Osu Castle also called ‘Tsei Ashi’ (this means under the trees). The local fishermen can be found there from 4pm displaying their catch on wooden pallets. That gutter there tho. I keep wondering why we don’t have more organized markets in this country. Like, if I want to go to the fish market there isn’t any, I have to go to a normal market and hunt down the fish sellers.

PHOTOS: PZ Cussons Rebrands Imperial Leather and Launches New Luxury Product Lines. #LittleLuxuryMoments

PZ Cussons has rebranded and launched new luxurious personal care Imperial Leather products. Imperial Leather which is well known as a Personal Wash product has now being stretched to Personal Care. The whole range of personal care products include body wash for men & women, bar soaps, body lotions and anti-perspirants (roll-ons and sprays) for both sexes.

INTERVIEW: Ghanaian artist Serge Attukwei Clottey Speaks on the Art Scene in Ghana & His Contemporary Artwork

Well I realized some time ago that the top of the gallon looks like a mask so I am currently using these during performances. The idea came from how we often see people carrying these gallons to fetch water and many at times we don’t see their faces, just the yellow gallon. The gallon has become a mask behind which we hide our sorrow of poor access to water. It caught on easily as most people are able to relate to the use of these gallons.