We all have dreams and aspirations which need finances to achieve but the road towards that dream is not always smooth.
Take a few seconds and watch the video below on how to resist temptation to spend.
We all have dreams and aspirations which need finances to achieve but the road towards that dream is not always smooth.
Take a few seconds and watch the video below on how to resist temptation to spend.
This recipe is super easy for you to make in a space of 30 minutes to finish if you have already meal prepped ahead of time. But if not then approximately 45mins minus the marinating of the chicken. Let's get right to the recipe shall we? *rubs hands gleefully*
If you want to save more then you need to cut back on unnecessary expenses which are putting a dent in your bank account.
There aren't many resorts in Ghana which have excited me as much as Aqua Safari Resort located in Big Ada. Trust me, very very few hotels in Ghana can get me all worked up.
In a digitally enriched business environment, its essential for women entrepreneurs to empower themselves with the right digital skills to grow their businesses.
One of the realities of marriage is the time, place and amount of sex you can have. You can have it at the oddest of times, strangest of places and uncountable times depending on several circumstances, ceteris paribus.
Reusing leftovers are perfect ways to create new recipes and this was going to be just too chill
Another scenario is if you are a woman entrepreneur in any industry and naturally you want to increase sales so as to make a profit
The container for blending your fruits or vegetables is a 500ml sports bottle and it has the capacity to also crush ice with a serated blade function.
I was at the Ghana Garden & Flower Show last two weeks as a vendor for Storefoundry. Now, my strategy wasn’t to only pitch to prospective clients to sign up for their custom storefront but to also make some sales by selling Nm3daa. What is nm3daa, you ask?
I am tracking small expenses for my home and work this week, so that I’m able to know where I can save more money that I can put towards my savings goal of travelling outside the country.
Last year at the Ghana Garden & Flower Show #GGFS2016, it was indeed a rare find to discover vendors in the horticultural industry all together in one place. It was a place to find everything you need to start your own vegetable or flower garden.