3 weeks and I am now blogging. Hmm. I have some excuses though but can’t really tell you. But hey, I have been blogging mentally you know. Oh yeah, I have 2 pending topics in my head now so there.
Many are they (Ghanaians) who have left the shores of Ghana to pursue a better life in UK, USA, Russia, China, Poland, Australia and even Togo. Some become successful and others hustle. Some return with their success to re-start life in Ghana and some stay wherever till till till (Ghanaian slang meaning ‘forever’) I was listening to a documentary on JoyFm which was on Ghanaians living abroad and their experiences especially those without valid travel documents. One guy who was interviewed said he’d rather live poor in the UK than in Ghana, as at least he would be supported by the UK government with welfare handouts. I found that to be a sad statement. The reporter of the aired program commented on the hardships that these Ghanaians face and yet do not want to come back home. Is it that bad in Ghana? Is the average Ghanaian so hungry that they would pay millions of cedis to travel to an unknown country and work to the bone to earn that pound or dollar? Why wont they work that hard here? A person can scrub toilets and dirty floors in the UK but will look down on such jobs in Ghana because of what people might say about them. Anyway…
If you have read my previous posts on howalmost everybody is doing some sort of business on the side, then you would agree with me that there are many ways to make money in this our beloved country. All it takes is this magic potion which is free by the way:
So what opportunities are there you may ask. Before I answer that question, I would like to ask you one hehehe..( answer a question with a question) . What is the Chinese man seeing here that’s causing him to pack bag and baggage to move here in droves? Surely, he is seeing opportunities here and knowing the attitude of the Chinese man, he is slowly but surely making it. So why not you, hmm? I have been getting business ideas like crazy and I know I cant do everything that’s why I am focusing only on the 3 things I love. I will like to show you how the little things which we often take for granted are the ones that when tapped into will add income to your monthly salary (which I am sure you think isn’t enough).
Waste (Borla)
We cry about waste every time. Ugly black plastics choking our gutters, pure water bags littering the streets, food waste piling up our landfills are just a few of the examples of waste materials destroying our environment. If this makes you angry every time you see it, why not do something about it? So ZoomLion decided to do something about it and look at them today.
ZoomLion street sweeper |
Waste management is a big business in many countries in terms of recycling, disposal etc. When i started my coffee grounds recycling project some people laughed. Many of our waste is food waste (kenkey wrappers, plantain & yam peelings, fruit and vegetable spoilage) which when recycled can be used as compost or fertilizer. This can be sold to our farmers who either do not use fertilizer or conform to using too much fertilizer. Natural compost is organic, organic is GOOD. There is so much information on how to start a waste management business on the internet. Get reading.
Ghanaians love good food. I know people who will come all the way to Epo Spot just to buy fried rice and stir-fried beef stew when there are many others in their neighbourhood. Its not too late to start a business in the food industry. We have fruits & vegetables in abundance!
Sugar-cane seller in Ghana |
Have you thought of processing and exporting any? Why not package a cut up fruit mixture, package it neatly and deliver to offices? I saw bottled coconut juice being sold on the Accra High Street last Saturday for GHC1.50. Its called KOOSH (short form of Akooshi- Ga for Coconut). That’s someone’s baby being nurtured. What about catering? You can start small by creating a niche for yourself in the catering industry, e.g. be a spring roll specialist or a waakye expert or even make the best kelewele in Accra. Trust me, people wont go anywhere. Or focus on a special part of an animal and make it unique; like gizzard khebabs or chicken wings (wings are just awesome!) I remember back in 2007, the first time I came across Hausa Koko in a cup. I was so amazed at this innovation and now look at how Koko King is prospering!
There is much talk of cholesterol increasing amongst the middle to high income Ghanaian worker. Why? Because of the rich food they eat? Or they don’t exercise enough? You and your friends can come together to start a gym for your neighbourhood or workplace. More and more people are becoming health conscious hence the need to provide fitness facilities to cater for these needs. I see many people jogging on the streets of Osu every morning and it really strikes me that these are people who are working hard at being healthy.
Gone are the days when people used to be ridiculed by their classmates for having to go study dress-making instead of going to the university. Seamstress/fashion designing is the rage in Ghana and just look at how much they charge for just one dress! Its not too late to learn how to sew or to even better yourself at the little you know. Don’t go learn because its trendy, have the passion for it so that your creativity will show in your designs. Or else, your business wont last long.
Have you seen the way guys can get all passionate when watching the Championship League? All of a sudden every guy there is a refree or coach. If you love football so much why not consider becoming a football agent or brand manager? You can take many courses out there to give you the necessary knowledge, one of which is the FIFAMaster which I recently just heard of for promoting management education in the sports world.
Ermm…I have written enough. See me in chambers if you want more tips.
I came across this cobbler at Tema Station in Accra; his job? To replace broken shoe heels. After paying some money he allowed me a couple of photos of his workshop.
The problem we have in this country is that we look down on menial jobs in this country too much not realising the potential they possess and many people want to make BIG money all at once so do not want to start small. A startup starts small and becomes successful. Ask Mark Zuckerberg. Many young people want to wear a tie, sit behind a desk and earn a salary and eventually retire with their SSNIT retirement payout, that’s no life if you ask me.
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