I love being Ghanaian. Thank God i was born Ghanaian. Even if i travel the whole world there is no better place to come back to than Ghana. I was saddened to read this post by eonline on the recent visit by OneDirection, a UK Pop boyband to Ghana on a volunteering mission.
How profoundly sad and misdirected that OneDirection would tweet such comments about the beautiful city of Accra and Ghana as a whole. Just one place they went to and Accra is being branded as an impoverished village. I do not know which part of Ghana ComicRelief , a UK Charity Organisation took these young chaps to for them to brand the whole city of Accra as a slum and an impoverished village. And it looks like Niall Horan has never seen a slum before and couldnt help but scream about it on Twitter. I wonder how Accra, Ghana got to be ranked as the 4th Place to be Visit in 2013 by the New York Times. As for Harry Styles who tweeted "Today was the most amazing day I've had so far..In my life ever" . Like really?
These guys obviously think the world is rich and beautiful with no poverty anywhere. The writer of this post on eonline needs to get her FACTS straight and updated or maybe should take a trip to Ghana and let me sort out her expenses and show her Ghana. Every country has its slums and in some cases are refined to the name Ghettos. But i would never call Accra a slum. Sure we have waste management issues, plastic bags choking our gutters in some places and food waste etc but who doesnt?
Its great to have world stars come to Africa to help on development projects etc, we appreciate it. What we do not appreciate is the show of total ignorance of African countries. I know many Europeans and Western countries think Africans live on trees and lions stroll through our streets looking for an African meal due to their ignorance and inability to travel and believing everything they see on TV. Leave the TV, get some sunshine and see the world, i say.
Its a shame really. OneDirection you are misdirected and need to be shown where most of the world's gold and cocoa come from. Yes, the jewellery you wear and the chocolates you munch on. Oh you didnt know its from Ghana? Shocking!
UPDATE!!! Wednesday 16/1/2013 19:19
Thanks to the power of social media, the writer of the post Alyssa has edited her article after the overwhelming 47 comments (mostly angry, scatching and ahem...wild insults) from Ghanians in Ghana and abroad. Mine is the 47th. :) I dont blame OneDirection, they are young and immature in world issues so i forgive them.
How profoundly sad and misdirected that OneDirection would tweet such comments about the beautiful city of Accra and Ghana as a whole. Just one place they went to and Accra is being branded as an impoverished village. I do not know which part of Ghana ComicRelief , a UK Charity Organisation took these young chaps to for them to brand the whole city of Accra as a slum and an impoverished village. And it looks like Niall Horan has never seen a slum before and couldnt help but scream about it on Twitter. I wonder how Accra, Ghana got to be ranked as the 4th Place to be Visit in 2013 by the New York Times. As for Harry Styles who tweeted "Today was the most amazing day I've had so far..In my life ever" . Like really?
These guys obviously think the world is rich and beautiful with no poverty anywhere. The writer of this post on eonline needs to get her FACTS straight and updated or maybe should take a trip to Ghana and let me sort out her expenses and show her Ghana. Every country has its slums and in some cases are refined to the name Ghettos. But i would never call Accra a slum. Sure we have waste management issues, plastic bags choking our gutters in some places and food waste etc but who doesnt?
Its great to have world stars come to Africa to help on development projects etc, we appreciate it. What we do not appreciate is the show of total ignorance of African countries. I know many Europeans and Western countries think Africans live on trees and lions stroll through our streets looking for an African meal due to their ignorance and inability to travel and believing everything they see on TV. Leave the TV, get some sunshine and see the world, i say.
Its a shame really. OneDirection you are misdirected and need to be shown where most of the world's gold and cocoa come from. Yes, the jewellery you wear and the chocolates you munch on. Oh you didnt know its from Ghana? Shocking!
UPDATE!!! Wednesday 16/1/2013 19:19
Thanks to the power of social media, the writer of the post Alyssa has edited her article after the overwhelming 47 comments (mostly angry, scatching and ahem...wild insults) from Ghanians in Ghana and abroad. Mine is the 47th. :) I dont blame OneDirection, they are young and immature in world issues so i forgive them.