Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Monarki - Evangelizing through T-Shirts

Whilst the rest of the nation mopes, shouts and condemns the Black Stars for their maddeninly poor performance at the African Cup of Nations, I thank my stars that I saved myself some severe blood pressure and disappointment by missing most of the games we played. I would watch few minutes of first half and give up. Call me unpatriotic (that would be a lie of course) but I was saving myself severe heartache and visual massacre. The tweets on my TL were enough plus the shouts and screams in my neighbourhood due to nearly scored goals had my heart skipping too many beats.

I wasn’t even aware we were going to play a match yesterday against Mali. I thought the boys had come home with their $35,000.

So earlier this week, I had decided to go to a sales event being organised by Monarki. It was going to be a great opportunity to network with guests and the creators of the event I thought to myself… I could give out my new minicards as well J . Courtesy of my friend Nana Yaw, I got to meet the brain behind the name and the brain is called Nana Kwadwo Duah. I call him Nana K and boy does he love branding!  Have you ever wondered what Monarki means? Or how it came about? Do you even know what Monarki is? Here is what my chat with Nana K revealed.

Monarki is a play on the word Monarchy and is based on the fact that we are all royals in the Kingdom of God. It is an urbanite t-shirt branding Ghanaian company with Bible centred & pop-culture messages, and is positioning itself to be a premium and affordable brand. One thing which i found very unusual and delightful was the packaging. You should see it. Monarki is the only place where I buy a tee and I don’t get a rubber bag.

Parody and non-parodical messages

You know how I love anything creative, and I couldn’t help but be amazed about how the messages came about. Some are parodical and others aren't. Like I always say, if something in our society bugs you then do something about it and you will soon be earning income from it. It just shows there is a gap in the market so you might as well close it. This is what Nana K did when he realised how Christian tees in our market wasn’t top notch at delivering Christian messages. In short…shyous (Ghanaian slang for embarrassing). 

When I enquired about the vision, he said its to


. That makes a whole lot of sense to me. The Word of God can be preached not just in our churches or door-to-door but artfully and technologically can be spread through


and blogging. My opinion.

Perfect tees for the Gents and Ladies.

With great plans to expand in Accra and Ghana, there is also the opportunity for persons living abroad to contact Monarki for delivery across the seas. Check out and Like their

Facebook page

  for any information you may have which I may not have asked.  You can contact them on +233-266-245235 / +233-549-718-965. The price? GHC22. No, I am not joking. If you had come yesterday you would have gotten it for GHC 20. In Accra you can find Monarki in the Osu Forico Mall in Osu,

here is a link to their location on Google Maps

. My tip for Nana K though is to make longer t-shirts for the ladies. Thanks to the low-cut skinny jeans and every other jeans, our blouses must be longer, bend a little and say hello to our exposed bums, and backs :D. 


Nana K.

Jason, one of the models for Monarki

Mr Gamor... :)

Paparazzi sights Kwaku Zee and gives chase!

TeamThousandWords & Possible Image