Naa Oyoo Quartey

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What To Wear To The Office Tomorrow: #MIGStyle

This is the first of many style posts on fab ideas on what to wear for a Friday in the office. Style tips with lots of emphasis on African print, accessories, etc. Just to inspire you every Friday morning and to keep a smile on your face through the day due to great compliments! You are beyond worth it! So every Friday before you leave the office, I will bring to your desktop and mobile phone some fab fashion inspiration to save you time Friday mornings! These posts are also towards promoting #MadeInGhana fashion, crafts and accessories! 

Why not wear a simple African print dress if you don't have strict corporate rules on what to wear? My rule has always been to K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Sista!) so a simple dress yet with the right accessories to make its quiet statement. 

Black& White African Print Dress

A dress like this is pretty simple but the pattern is quite busy though of a monochrome colour. Monochrome is great with red accessories such as a slim belt or red pumps or flats. I am very partial to red. :-) Black sandals would also just be fine. 

You can be more colourful too in this dress. 

What I love about this dress are the blood red splotches (red again!) and the perfect combination of the red belt with this fabric. And that gold chain detail on the belt! Perfect!

If you have a skirt like this in your wardrobe, why not pair it with a simple chiffon block coloured blouse and remember to keep all other accessories very simple!

Ghanaian fabrics are very busy prints so to pick an accessory colour its better to pick the least colour in the fabric to bring out the whole look. Imagine if the belt had been black or brown. Ouch! 

Hope I have inspired you with this post and you will keep your eyes peeled for more every Friday!

What are you wearing to work tomorrow by the way? Share your #selfie outfit on Instagram with the hashtag #MIGStyle (MadeInGhanaStyle) and lets have some fun!

Have a wonderful Friday and wondertastic weekend and hope to see you at #blogcamp14 this Saturday at KAICE!