Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Healthy Benefits of a Smoothie from NourishLab Smoothy's.

A fruit smoothie is an excellent health option for the individual looking to reduce soda or as we call it here ‘soft drinks’ intake. When you decide to kick drinking Coke, its sadly also the time that you are bound to be bombarded with brilliant Coke ads and often the only choice of drink offered at a lunch party.  Have you ever stopped to wonder what benefits you gain from drinking a smoothie or do you drink it because everyone is drinking it and you just want to look cool? Whatever your reasons are, its important to note what you consume and how beneficial it can be for your health. 


Super Benefits of a Fruit Smoothie

  • Give you plenty of natural fiber to ensure excellent digestion 

  • Every fruit smoothie contains hefty amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins to boost your immune system to protect you from illnesses

  • Due to its thick texture, a smoothie can fill you up and prevents you from over-eating thereby helping to reduce a bit of weight. Try having one an hour just before lunch and you will not have space for another ball of kenkey.

  • Depending on the ingredients in a smoothie, your body will be filled to the maximum with antioxidants to protect you from cancer-forming cells.

  • Some smoothies contain yoghurts as an add-in and this has potential of preventing osteoporosis due to high calcium content.


You can always make a smoothie at home by getting your own fresh ingredients but if you don’t have time for pineapple peeling, you can always grab a quick fresh one from NourishLab Smoothies in Osu or East Legon. They offer more than thirty different types of smoothies with the cutest names for a smoothie. My favourite is and has always been Grapezilla as it has less pineapple in it and lots of grapes in it. The crushed ice which often swirls in the smoothies to keep it fresh makes the drink perfect to satisfy any thirst. Shun Coke! Aside smoothies, there healthy foods such as chicken salads, pasta salad, coconut juice, almond milk etc. Their sandwiches are to die for especially the mushroom panini. Yum! By now you should know that there is no alcohol in this place, so try Container instead. 

Aside serving the best smoothies in Accra, NourishLab Smoothies is one of the most popular hangouts for techies, bloggers, creatives, quick business lunch meet-ups and the like. On a really good day when there are less people, the free WiFi is really great. Its also a fab place to organise mini-craft fairs and open mike sessions for spoken word. Love this place; you will too!

NourishLab is a proud sponsor of #BlogCamp14! A healthy hearty welcome on board!