Trying Out The Pioneer Woman's Spicy Cauliflower StirFry Recipe
The Pioneer Woman is one of those original food & lifestyle blogs I just cant ignore. Sinfully delicious looking food can just make me spend an hour drooling and fantasizing on end! Everything looks sooooo good!
I decided to try out one of the 16-minute meals for lunch today as I could find all the ingredients in my fridge. This was going to be so easy and delicious.
The Spicy Cauliflower recipe she shared was simple. You can find it here. I just made mine slightly different by switching the Sriracha sauce with chopped chilli and ginger.
I was so lucky to get this beautiful cauliflower for GHC4 , for the size i got it was a bargain!
In many homes, cauliflower is boiled before being added to any sauce or salad. I found out that stir-frying cauliflower makes it more crunchier and definitely maintains the nutrients for longer. Too often we tend to overcook our vegetables.
Using ginger and garlic together was a classic which brought out more flavour in the cauliflower.
Adding lime did its own magic of adding a bit of acidity.
My final workout! It was absolutely delish! The ginger and garlic plus that passionate chilli were doing their work!
You eat this on its own or with rice. So I added it to Jollof. Because Jollof!
Indeed it was a 16 minute meal to prepare. Eating of course took me awhile to enjoy.