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7 Tips On How To Use Uber Connect For Fast & Safe Food Delivery.

Covid-19 has truly transformed the way of work in Ghana in diverse ways. The pandemic forced the hand of most management boards to implement remote work strategies for their staff and this has certainly been a rough adopt-or-die phase. Businesses are now ‘forced’ to rethink of how to implement e-commerce as part of their digital marketing efforts in a bid to increase sales revenue which drastically reduced during the lockdown period. The most active type of business during the lockdown was perhaps delivery services within the city. The Presidential directive to #StayHome brought on an increase in online buying by consumers thus boosting delivery services. No wonder Uber integrated a new feature in their mobile app and named it Uber Connect. A feature whereby the user orders an Uber to pick up packages to be delivered to them or businesses orders a ride for delivery of products to customers. 


As a restaurant, we have used Uber Connect for the past month and half due to the increase in digital ordering of food and unlike the use of dispatch motorbike riders, the food has always been delivered safely and without incident. Well, no complaints received so far. 

 It took some getting used to though but it has been a great learning experience so far and has firmly been integrated as a key direct-distribution channel for the restaurant.

Here are some of my tips on how to use Uber Connect more effectively to ensure a smoother food delivery experience for your customers. I am going to assume you already have the app and are conversant with ordering a ride. 


Why We Use Uber Connect For Food Delivery.

      A more secure  delivery.

Customers expect their delivered meals in a presentable state as much as possible. Sometimes this can be difficult depending on what kind of meal they order, for example soups. As a restaurant, you must ensure to have safe food packaging for delivery to prevent food spillages en route to customers. However, the transportation of food orders must also be conducted safely in addition to the packaging. Some food dispatch riders ride as though being chased by Tokyo ghouls and by the time customers get their food, the meal resembles moon craters or something thrown out into the bin. The best of packaging coupled with an Uber Connect delivery will protect your meal plating presentation to customers. No oil-stained packaging or tossed around meals either.  Well.. that is if the Uber driver isn’t a Formula-One wannabe.

 These tips will definitely ensure happy loyal customers  and definitely less stress for you as a business owner.

1.     Always Have Your Package Ready.

Ensure your meal packages are all packed up, labelled and ready to be picked up before you call for a driver. Some drivers get impatient and change the trip if you make them wait for more than 5 minutes. Provide the driver with food handling safety information such as to drive cautiously because of soups in the containers or position the meals safely on the seats or wherever is most suitable. 

Uber Connect


2.     Double-check the delivery fee with the customer

 Depending on your restaurant / home kitchen location and your customer’s location, Uber Connect can be slightly cheaper than using a courier service. The app shares a price estimate on delivery of package after you input the location. Always confirm this amount with the customer if they are willing to accept the charges or if they prefer a 3rd party at a cheaper rate which might be late in arriving. Some customers don’t mind pay a little extra for convenience and having to avoid directing the ‘ Ghanaian way’ i.e  ( if you see the brown container turn left, turn right at the plantain sellers place.. ) 


3.     Digital payment 

 Due to covid-19, digital payment has become the most acceptable form of payment for goods and services. Uber drivers in Ghana don’t comply with accepting VISA payments on the app and would choose not to accept any ride where the customer is paying digitally. Because the customer pays for the delivery and not we the restaurant, we choose CASH as the mode of payment on arrival. Often times where a customer adds the delivery fee to their meal, we would pay the driver via his MOMO. This has worked well so far. 


4.     Communicate customer contact details.

Send ahead the customer’s contact details in the chat field once a driver has been identified and notified. This prevents a delay in delivery for the customer as the driver can call the customer directly to inform them on delivery status or further directions. 


5.     Require Specific Landmarks, Street Names or Locating Share 

The Ghana GPS is yet to be rolled out across the city and the country so usually asking customers to provide their GPS code is never enough. Often times, customers may say “ Labadi” is their location but hey Labadi is massive so to prevent a further delay, ask customers to provide the closest landmark to their location and input that in the Uber app. Street names also works pretty well in the app, so you can request that information if it’s available. Some customers share their location link if you’re communicating with them on a messenger service like Whatsapp. Copying and pasting that into the app sometimes works and other times doesn’t quite. Try all three and see which works for you. 


6.     Share Driver Location

The ability to share the driver’s location en route to customer is a personal favorite and one you should do once the package has been picked up. Click on the Share button once the ride is live and choose the whatsapp app to share the link with the customer. You can edit the messaging accompanying the link with your brand messaging.  You can also just copy the link and paste in any other messaging platform you may be using. By doing this, customers get informed early and expectant of their meal, you also don’t get bombarded with ‘ where’s my food” questions on whatsapp. 

7. Comply with covid-safety measures.

Ensure your staff are in their nose masks when presenting the packages to the riders. They should wash their hands with soap under running water afterwards as well


Our Struggle 

Our current struggle with Uber Connect is when lots of orders comes in and the inability to call for several rides using the same app. We have to wait for one delivery to be completed first before we can call another one. 

The Solution. 

Our solution has been to work with a third-party delivery service in addition to using the Uber Connect to ensure customers get their meals on time. We also have about three smartphones owned by staff which we use in addition when one phone is occupied with a ride. Wild eh! This strategy has worked excellently in our favour. 

Uber Connect may not be as fast as a dispatch 🏍 service but it definitely delivers on convenience, food safety and security value to your customers.

Are you using Uber Connect as part of your 3rd party delivery services? How has been your experience so far? Impressed or nah? Do share in the comments section 👍🏾