6 Essential Household Tools & Equipments You Need In Your First Home.
Honestly, moving into one's own home, whether rented or purchased, marks a significant milestone in one's life. You are literally on another plane of high! That feeling of walking through the threshold of a new home is a mix of excitement, nervousness, and a deep sense of accomplishment. The empty rooms smell of fresh paint and as you walk through each room, the sound of your feet echo with the promise of new beginnings, while the blank walls hold the potential for photo memories yet to be captured.
Whether this home is a one or two bedroom or a two bedroom house or apartment in East Legon Hills or Oyarifa, it’s your space which will need key home essentials such as a bed, living room furniture, cooking utensils (man’s gotta eat) toilet and bathroom and toilet accessories. Once these items have been acquired to make your lifestyle more comfortable and functional, you have to think of some usually underrated home tools and equipment which can bypass your radar.
1 . A Toolbox
The relevance
Basic toolbox
This tool is usually left for the men to acquire for the house but I’m here to tell you that as a woman, you also need this box. If even you cannot purchase the entire set, have these key tools in your kitchen drawer or under the kitchen sink; a star and flat screwdriver, spanner, tape measure and a claw hammer. There will always be something needing tightening or unscrewing. This can be a badly fixed door handle or your child’s electronic toy needing it’s 50th AA battery replacement. Anyone relate?
2. First Aid Box
The relevance
A first aid box is very often absent in most Ghanaian homes. But this small box of medical supplies can save your life or that of your child’s in a pinch! One time, a customer’s child scraped their eye on the edge of the gate and within minutes, I cleaned and dressed it up without any of us having to rush to a clinic or pharmacy. A day could come where you might cut your finger on a knife because you chose not to use a chopping board for the onion, when such a moment occurs you know you’re safe with a first aid box around. If you have children at home too, buy one asap and keep in a place far from their curious hands but visible enough for you to find. And remember to restock when some items are almost out. Most pharmacies in Accra and other regions sell first aid boxes for less than GHC200. Safety first.
First Aid Box/Kit
3. Step Ladder
Until you need to change the bulb in the ceiling, or have to check why the TV antenna looks ‘funny’ on the rooftop, the last thing you’d think of getting is a step ladder. If you find yourself in a neighborhood where everyone is inaccessible because of high walls and hedges, then take my advice and get one. Which type of step ladder? The foldable one which can be extended to at least 10ft . Not only will you save money on going to rent one from the carpenter in the area but you also save yourself immense pain from falling down from the living room chair you would have stood on to change that light. Ladders are also crucial for plucking mangoes. Just prop it against the tree and voila! No more stone throwing 🙌 Not everytime you have to call a painter, grab a small can of paint from the nearby hardware store, get the step ladder and paint away! When in your own home, you have to find creative DIY ideas to save you money.
Step ladders are sturdy and keeps you from bad falling accidents. (Image Source: Unsplash)
4. Wheelbarrow
Most probably the most underrated tool for the home. Wheelbarrows are super useful for carrying dirt, grass and leaf clippings, sand, empty containers or boxes. You might not think you need one, until a time comes when you need to trim some hedges and suddenly what do you use to move these trimmings? Or a minor renovation work is done and now the mason is looking at you for a wheelbarrow to remove the post-construction debris. Keep one at home behind the house or in a store room. Want to know another secret? Wheelbarrows are fun for children! Let them sit in one and push them around the house! Core memories for them!
5. An ergonomic chair
The Relevance
This!!! I classify an ergonomic chair as a home tool not even a furniture because the magic of an ergonomic chair is needed to save the backs of every working Ghanaian. Whether you work in the office or remotely, buy an ergonomic chair. Your neck and back will thank you, ten years later. A great ergonomic chair is breathable (has a mesh at the back so you don’t sweat) , has both lumbar and head support whilst being adjustable in the sitting and arm rest area. It’s important to have this chair as our daily work becomes more and more sedentary. Work but don’t hurt your body whilst at it. Start saving towards it, because they don’t come cheap. .;
A strong example of an ergonomic chair.
6. Cable Manager
The relevance.
If you can find one , buy it. Cables from the TV, from the home theater, the standing fan, your laptop are all strewn all over the living room or bedroom and it’s giving unkempt house, right? A cable manager organises all the cables from these devices into one space. No more trip hazards anywhere in the house. It makes such a crazy difference and makes you wonder how you’ve lived your life without one. If you are fortunate to be building your house from scratch you can ensure that all cables are run through the walls with electrical outlets.
cable managers
These household tools are sure to save you in a pinch and seeing how tough things are currently in Ghana, it’s always good to be prepared for emergencies and also learn some DIY home repair skills on YouTube or Pinterest. Do suggest any you think are also important for the home in the comment section below.