#GhanaMeetSouthAfrica Trade Roadshow & Workshop With Ghanaian Tour Operators
I am looking forward visiting South Africa one of these fine days. More specifically; Cape Town. Thanks to incredible promotion about the country by pro-instagrammers like @thobanj I get digital glimpses of sights and 15 secs sounds of the southern country of Africa.
I found it profound that the South African Tourism (SAT) recently embarked on a West Africa roadshow to network and connect its tourism operators with Ghanaian tour operators as well as those in other parts of West Africa. This two-part roadshow and workshop was held at the Labadi Beach Hotel with the second part which took place in Lagos, Nigeria.
The SAT team was made up of the Regional Director for Africa, Ms Evelyn Mahlaba , The Regional Director for West Africa, Lehlohonolo Pitso as well as key tourism operators in South Africa.
The workshop was duly opened by The Deputy Minister for Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts Hon. Dzifa Gomashie who stressed on how committed the government was on developing tourism in Ghana. She also called for more collaboration with other countries to brand the continent.
Panel sessions held with key speakers were moderated by MC Kabutey Ocansey.
Now this is where I believe Ghana is slacking on. Tourism. Our beloved country is endowed with amazing resources and is rich in opportunities for the building of leisure centers and theme parks. As I interacted with selected South African tour and hotel operators during the round robin session, I couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of their hotel facilities and landscapes! Especially with Sun International and its grandeur settings and impeccable suites! Why wouldn’t South Africa be a choice honeymoon, business and leisure destination with such places?
I cant help but wonder what Brand Ghana is really doing to brand the country. Aside a less than appealing website which I went through, I honestly do not know whats going on with them. We need to promote our country, our culture using the available tools we have. Instagram is there but isn’t being made use of. Thanks to individuals like Nana Kofi Acquah who are sharing stories about Ghana and Africa with vivid visual storytelling on social media.
The tour operators can also connect with the best social media photographers and collaborate on such projects.
Africa is rich and has more stories to tell aside the more often published news on conflicts and social issues. We need to create more rich content on our continent.