He's Got 30K RT's On His Tweet For A Kantanka Car But Kantanka Issues A Disclaimer Tweet!
It’s the age of social media where customers tweet at their favourite brands in the hopes of getting a freebie product or service. This started with Carter Wilkerson’s tweet to Wendy’s enquiring on how many retweets for a year’s supply of free chicken nuggets. 18 million was the response from the American fast food restaurant.
Carter did get his 18million rt’s after Hollywood celebrities jumped onto the tweet to make his dream come true.
Now we come to Ghana where a certain young man by the name of Jude @godfather_gh, tired of trotro’s and leg Mercedes decided to DM at the Kantanka Twitter account with the hopes of getting a Kantanka car to take away his transportation woes. To his surprise the car company responded to his DM and a negotiated deal of 30K RT’s was agreed. He shared a DM screenshot and asked his followers and Ghanaian celebrities to help him with an RT.
There was a last push on Twitter yesterday for @godfather_gh to get his 30k RT’s from the automobile company and as at today 28th February the famous tweet is at 30.3K RT’s. But wait a minute! I was checking the trends on Twitter when I noticed that Kantanka was in the trends. Why? The car company had tweeted a disclaimer calling Jude’s tweet a hoax. I was puzzled as with many other people. Why wait 9months to tweet a disclaimer on such a viral tweet?
I did a bit of digging in and realised that the first tweet was from Kantanka_Daily a Twitter account opened in April 2015 which had more than 10K followers as at when Jude tweeted at them.
The Kantanka Twitter account which issued the disclaimer today was from KantankaAuto which was created November 2015.
So much confusion! Which is the authentic Twitter account??? So I decided to give Jude a call after contacting him on Twitter because a guy has to get his Kantanka Mensah. According to Jude, he believed the account he contacted to be an authentic one due to the number of followers and also the CEO of Kantanka retweeting tweets on that account. What could be more authentic than that?
Did he get the name of the person he was chatting with in the DM of the account, he responded in the negative.
The response on the disclaimer tweets has been one of outrage and disappointment from followers of Jude and the car company as well.
We would really like to know which Twitter account is the verified one ( I sent a DM to KantankaDaily but no reply yet and KantankaAuto isn’t accepting DM’s at the moment.) Who did Jude communicate with on Kantankadaily? Why does Kantanka have two Twitter accounts? Who is managing the Kantanka_Daily account?
Honestly, for PR sake the car company should best at least invite Jude over to the factory premises and give him an experience he won’t forget instead of shutting him down like that. 3ny3 fine kwraaa. Jude would be an excellent social media influencer for the brand for getting this number of RT’s because this isn’t America o where it’s easy to get a tens of thousands of RT’s for funny videos and memes. Even in Ghana, unless you are a celebrity before you can attain such heights. Jude recounted to me how his followers trolled and ridiculed him when he asked for the RT’s and just a few months ago when they realised he was halfway there, they suddenly took his stone and gave it to him. This world!
At least some brands are taking advantage of the trend
So what do you guys say? Should Kantanka give Jude his car or they aren’t liable to? Comment below.