#MyKpenkpeshie: Mavis an Art Teaching Assistant Shares Why She Went Natural.
I saw her whilst driving in Labone on my way to a meeting. I had to stop and ask her to share her story. Meet Mavis Nelson, an art Teaching Assistant at Ghana International School and currently assisting at TIGA Art School in Labone.
How long has it been since you went natural?
M.N Two years now.
What brought about the change from relaxed to natural?
M.N Well, I have always had a very sensitive scalp which made relaxing my hair very painful (she grimaced as she recollected the past) The thing is every time I relaxed my hair, it wouldn't even look relaxed. It just looked curly. So I decided it was enough!
How did people react to your new you?
M.N My friends loved it. I think it took my Mom awhile to get used to it. But she recently cut hers because of the poor relaxing treatment by the hairdressers which caused her hair to fall out. So she's natural now and her hair is even more than mine now!
Can you share how you maintain it?
M.N Before sleeping i detangle it and braid. I then comb it out in the morning. I currently use a product called Apple.
How do you style it?
M.N YouTube and the Internet are packed with lots of tutorials. I can pick up a few tips, combine some and it always works.
#MyKpenkpeshie is a natural hair feature on the everyday Ghanaian woman and her natural hair journey. It's a creation & curation of stories by Ghanaian women as they recount childhood memories, natural hair care tips, societal reactions to their change and more.