Purple Twirl Presents Ready..Set..Wed II, a Wedding Workshop For Wedding Hopefuls.
Weddings always look pretty and organised. Decor looks impeccable, music is on point, coordination of the day follows through and the bride looks amazing! One can only wonder how the couple found this great DJ or where in Ghana they found such a great caterer who turned up on time and is serving delicious jollof ! Find the right wedding vendors isn't easy, planning for a perfect day isn't no mean task. A beautiful, stress-free wedding day is possible.
And this is what Purple Twirl is hoping to provide for wedding hopefuls this month through a wedding workshop. The one day session, aims to take both bride and groom through the event planning process. Present will be wedding vendors who will talk, not about their brand but on tips and tricks when planning and dos and don'ts when interacting with vendors.
Tickets to RSW II cost GHS50 per person or GHS40 each for a girlfriends
package of two tickets
Once you make the required payment you will be sent an entry code. Its not a walk-in event so registration is paramount.
To register & for more information, click here:
Call 020 833 7877 or email info@thepurpletwirl.com for payment
details and/or more information.
Reservations are required and SPACE IS LIMITED.