All tagged Health
Whatever your reasons for choosing birth via a CS surgery, you need to know what to expect before, during and after the surgery. No two surgeries give the same experience to a mom-to-be just like how natural childbirth differs from one woman to the other. It really helps to know how to prepare for the surgery beforehand to make it less traumatic and to help speed your recovery.
Two of the least talked about methods of conception topics in Ghana; IVF Treatment and Surrogacy. Not only the least but it’s almost like a taboo topic in most social circles and one most people will not comment on even on social media.
So here I was with one swiss chard plant. It had grown quite large and very healthy. It was such an easy vegetable to grow and needed very little attention
I was recently contacted by a friend (who chooses to remain anonymous) recently who shared how she had been feeling ill for months and how to her utter shock was diagnosed with Bilharzia! Shocking, right? And it all began after enjoying some water sports during a visit to Ada. Here's her harrowing experience..
People are dying in their workplaces and they aren't even aware that they are being exposed to serious health issues due to the substances they work with. Substances like paint, sand, varnishes, oils, flour, wheat, fertilisers, ink etc are all dangerous to your health if you work with these within your 8-hour work period
The lack of male responsibility starts as early as the time a couple is trying to conceive. Of course if a woman becomes pregnant easily she is praised and the families are happy. However, if she is unable to become pregnant, she, the woman, is held responsible. Although it’s true there are cases when a woman’s infertility can be cause for concern, 33% of the time it’s actually the man who is either infertile or has a very low sperm count. But in African cultures, rarely does a man speak up and admit that he could be the cause of the problem.
Imagine my delight when I discovered passion fruit, rambutans and sour sop (aluguitungui) all at the same fruit corner at Rawlings Park, Makola. A recipe was already brewing in my head as I made my purchase and made a quick exit of the choked marketplace. You know how the place gets right?
Rambutans are cousins of lychees and apparently are fruits brought in by the Chinese to cultivate here. One was GHC 0.50. One. Yes, one. But they are deliciously sensational!
Keeping and eating healthy is a priority for me. It's not an easy task though and it takes a lot of effort to eat right whilst going about your business. Here's a recipe I made with these fruits which are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and all kinds of nutritious sensationalism.
Did you know that no matter where you travel to beyond the shores of the former Gold Coast, you need to carry your yellow card with you before getting to the Kotoka International Airport? It doesn’t matter if you are going to UK or China. Having travelled just a few months ago in September without this card, I was the least amused to see this new procedure in place. Here is how I know.
Children under-five are at a high risk of getting infected with bacterial and viral illnesses as their daily activities mostly involves playing in the dirt, on the floor, putting their hands in every unimaginable crevice. The ground is their fortress. Naturally, their hands gets into their mouths, nose, eyes etc which are entrances for all kinds of germs. Therefore this initiative of teaching parents and children how to wash their hands with soap under running water is a simple but powerful method of helping reduce the mortality number of these precious little lives.
I find the above opening lines for the famous book by Charles Dickens very fitting for this post on one of the many and unforgettable experiences I had during my time in a girls boarding school. Maybe mine spoof version would be..