All tagged Personalities

Ivy Prosper Spills It All On Secrets To Great Natural Hair and How Ghanaian Women Can Be So Much More!

I often get asked that question and I think it's often a question people want to know theanswer to because women are looking to someone as an inspiration for how long they can remain ‘natural’. I’ve been natural nearly half my life. I’ve grown it, cut it, grown it again. Had breakage from braiding. Breakage from dryness. Grow again. Cut again. For me, going natural had nothing to do with any 'movement' or going 'back to my roots'. It was really a decision made because it was expensive to keep relaxing my hair and I had an incident where thesalon left the relaxer on too long and I ended up with burned scalp that turned into an infection. Believe it or not I continued... 

Leadership & Relationship Quotes By Dr. Myles Munroe - My Lessons From His Ministry

Dr. Myles Munroe touched my life when I was still learning and empowering myself as a woman through his books which line my bookshelf; Understanding The Purpose and Power of Men, The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage, Principles and Power of Vision, Understanding Your Potential (Kindle Version) I have gained in-depth and priceless relational knowledge.

A great tree has fallen but its roots reach depths far deeper into generations of upcoming future leaders and out of this tree shall more trees grow. His life and work was truly inspirational and I believe his light shone to the world as a man who wasnt afraid to show his position on issues plaguing today's world.

Here are a few of his quotes on leadership and relationship from his speaking events and books which I hope will inspire you.

The Woman in Tech; Ethel Cofie Gives Insights On YALI and Why Matrix is Her Favorite Movie.

I first met Ethel Cofie during one of the #TechRepublic meetups at Republic Bar & Grill. We didn't speak much that night but the second time we did. Here was a woman who had some deep insights on technology and business strategy, and as she went on and on about how online payments and banks in Ghana could do a better job than they are now, I knew one of these days I had to feature her, then she told me about being selected as a candidate for YALI. That did it.