Highlights from the august classic dog show 2023 & an inside look at the canine industry in ghana.
I am a dog lover but I haven’t owned a dog in the last four years or more because I get emotionally distraught when my dog dies. But I love love dogs! So imagine how excited I was to see that a dog show had taken place over the weekend! Although I missed it, I nevertheless was highly curious on how the show went so I had an insightful chat with Peter Vigilio Olympio one of the key organizer’s and the President of the Rottweiler club of Ghana. Did you know there’s a whole union of kennel owners? The canine industry in Ghana is thriving with so many exotic dog breeds finding homes and family in Ghanaian homes. I simply love to see it!
1.Tell us about yourself and how you got into the canine industry.
I am Mr. Peter Vigilio Olympio A rottweiler breeder and President of the Rottweiler club of Ghana And I have been around the industry since 2009 but started pedigree ROTTWEILERs in 2017. I have been a lover of animals since I was a child, all my mates right from St. Theresa’s school to St. Augustine’s college all knew I had a passion for animals. Most of my free time in SHS was spent on one of our teachers rabbit and grass cutter farm, enjoying all the animal lectures and asking all questions on my mind. I was inspired by the love of growth and quality. The desire to create something I envision into a reality is what keeps me going.
2. A dog show! Wow! What inspired this event to take place?
I’ve always had the desire to breed better dogs in temperament and structures as well as educating the public on what each breed should look like ideally is why the KENNEL UNION OF GHANA has been organizing this show annually for the past 7 years with international judges from all over the world canada Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, Thailand just to mention a few..
3. That’s really exciting! What activities took place during the dog show?
Members and non-members got to see the different breed specialities and we held a regional breed show as well as a national show both in Accra and Kumasi. There’s also a groomers show (first of its kind).
4. How was patronage for the dog show?
This year has been pretty exciting & busy! We had over 160 dogs across 16 different breeds! And more than 250 spectators this year. Our sponsors this year was JoyNews, Hydra shampoo, Montego dog food, royal canin dog food and Spero media.
5.How would you describe the dog industry in Ghana? Do you think it's the import of exotic dog breeds which has led to the growth of the industry?
The canine industry in Ghana is a growing industry. It’s been growing due to the importation of everything in this industry from accessories, grooming kits to pet feed as well as the education of some of the breeders(especially those with the Kennel Union of Ghana). This is what has led to the massive growth in recent years.
6. What are the most popular dog breeds in Ghana?
There are many dog breeds in Ghana at the moment but these breeds are the most popular and in high demand: German shepherd, Boerboel, Rottweiler, Doberman, Shihtzu and Cane Corso.
7. What is the maintenance cost for the average dog or does it vary?
This varies based on size of dog. For most large breeds, maintenance can be about GHC1,200 a month whilst small breeds will cost GHC700 a month.
8. How & where can dog-lovers find good dogs to buy online or are there approved kennels around? Can you name a few?
I’ll advise they looked up kennels on social media, visit the kennels and make sure they are dealing with the right person and getting to know where their new family members (🐕)will be coming from. Purchasing from kennels with good systems and education is what new owners should look out for. The following are trusted sources for puppies of all kinds of breeds:
Rottweilers - Haus of Vigilio (+233578761404)
Cane Corso- Primo Paws kennels ( +233 20 453 2364)
German Shepherds - Lion kennel ( +233 54 724 2424)
Shih tzu - Breeds Ghana ( +233 24 121 8218 )
Poodles - Rich forever kennels (+233 55 508 7197 )
Cocker spaniels - Cansey kennel ( +233 24 933 9654 )
Boerboels - Groot boerboels ( 024 210 0799 )
French bull dogs - Cashfam frenchies ( +233 20 246 8492 )
9. What's your favorite names for dogs?
I love the names Ice, Krash, Kolt .
An excited contestant !
Judge Dr. Chakkapan Chantarasmee from Thailand inspecting one of the contestants.
10. Finally, what kind of food do these dog breeds eat?
The best food for them are dog pellets, fish and all kinds of meat is allowed. Personally I buy chicken parts for them or slaughter mutton and beef cuts.
The event had several judges for the grooming show and this beautiful cane corso won several awards such as the Best Male Cane Corso, Best Dog in Group 2 as well as best dog in the National show.
Judge Mr. Michael Voster from South Africa
Dog breeds are compared to a standard per breed, once they meet a near perfect representation of the breed. The show also moves on to dogs competing amongst themselves for which is the best dog of the day which includes development texture, feel of skin and coat, clearness of eyes, ability to mingle with other dogs and humans with ease as well as stamina to run through the whole day’s rings.
Congratulations to Primo Paws Alpha !
Primo Paws Alpha a Cane Corso which won Best Dog at the National Show