How To Use Pinterest's Guided Search To Literally Find Everything.

Pinterest has rolled out a fabulous product/feature which I believe will be a treat for Pinners and Ad companies everywhere; Guided Search. This is a simple but highly functional feature which gives high precision searches on anything on the app. A search for lets say food brings up tags such as Chinese, French, Easy, Dinner, etc and selecting any of these tags brings up other tags such as How To, DIY etc, 


What To Wear To The Office Tomorrow: Blue Jeans, White Tee & African accessories.

Yayy!! Friday is here already. Ready for another fashion dish on what to wear to the office tomorrow? Why not try Western fashion simplicity with touches of African fashion accessories?  If your office permits smart casual Fridays; why not try dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt or short-sleeved tee and a navy blue blazer, top this off with an African beaded necklace or a Peter-Pan collar necklace to complete the look?

Marie Noelle Spa & Salon, Presents A Fabulous 'Selfie' Contest!

Marie Noelle Spa & Salon, one of Accra's finest and luxurious day spa has kicked off a pampered by Marie Noelle “Selfie” contest where they are giving their beautiful clients the chance to win beauty, health and wellness prizes for doing what they love to do – getting dolled up and pampered and showing it off on social media. This is a fantastic idea and I would even suggest that before you go for a special treatment, take a before and after #selfie to see how wonderful and relaxed you look.

The Best & Worst of Having Box Braids.

Twist braids have always been a personal favorite of mine. It was faster to braid which meant less time at the salon and it was easier to take off but not when its alot on the head. 

Then came along box braids. It's like being transported back to the 90's and the days of Patra. Thicker and longer than their twists colleagues; box braids hit every social network from Pinterest to Instagram.

Camboo & Lorry Tire

I went on a 3km run this morning after slacking for 2 weeks and gorging on bacon, cheese and all kinds of sausages insanely within that period. I am ashamed. But i have repented.

Keeping a healthy body and choosing a healthy lifestyle is a choice. One which many find difficult in making and rather choose to blame on lack of time.

What To Wear To The Office Tomorrow: #MIGStyle

This is the first of many style posts on fab ideas on what to wear for a Friday in the office. Style tips with lots of emphasis on African print, accessories, etc. Just to inspire you every Friday morning and to keep a smile on your face through the day due to great compliments! You are beyond worth it! So every Friday before you leave the office, I will bring to your desktop and mobile phone some fab fashion inspiration to save you time Friday mornings! These posts are also towards promoting #MadeInGhana fashion, crafts and accessories! 

A fruit smoothie is an excellent health option for the individual looking to reduce soda or as we call it here ‘soft drinks’ intake. When you decide to kick drinking Coke, its sadly also the time that you are bound to be bombarded with brilliant Coke ads and often the only choice of drink offered at a lunch party.  Have you ever stopped to wonder what benefits you gain from drinking a smoothie or do you drink it because everyone is drinking it and you just want to look cool? Whatever your reasons are, its important to note what you consume and how beneficial it can be for your health.