5 Strong Concrete Reasons Why I think Jon Snow Isn't Dead.

I finally finished watching Game of Thrones from Season 2 to 5 within a month. Aside my very comic reaction to the #RedWedding I didnt suffer much right to the end. Unfortunately, I came across a spoiler on Mashable which revealed Jon Snow's death. So i was pretty much prepared for that. But not the fact that he was stabbed horrifically by his own men and steward each murmuring 'For The Watch'. TRAITORS!!! 

But i don't think Jon Snow is dead. I have been pretty accurate predicting some scenes even before they happened. Ask my boyfriend who says i have watched too many movies hence my accuracy. Crowd laughs! Here are my reasons why I think Jon Snow isn't dead. 


    Get Stoked About Massages!

     Massage involves pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. When you visit a massage therapist they may use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearm, elbows and feet. Massages may range from light stroking to deep pressure. This can be done on the back, feet, head, shoulders or the full body! 

    The Significance of Items on The Ghanaian Bride Price List

    Over the years, bride price has changed / evolved from family to family. There are some commonalities, which can be found in most families. Have you stopped to wonder what each bride price item really means? I am referring to the more traditional items and not the iPads and laptops demanded by some families. I had a chat with one of my Aunties to find out exactly what goes into the bride price for our family (GA by the way) and according to her this was the list presented to my cousin who was getting married then to a Fante man. The list differs from tribe to tribe in Ghana.

    Why You Should Avoid Ordering These 3 Meals On Your First Date.

    This is a no-no. Number one criminal. Why? Imagine ordering the perfect green salad just to maybe show him that you are big on eating healthy. So here’s your starter, smoothly placed down infront of you. You take generous bites whilst listening to your date talk about his new job. You keep nodding and taking sips of red wine. Then you smile. Greens have a habit of showing up in unwanted places like your

    What Will You Give Up To Get Married?

    A question I have asked myself over the years when I found myself in a relationship. A relationship which I wouldn’t describe as dubious but one which nevertheless made me think. When you are a 30 year old woman and yet to walk down the aisle its interesting how the whole world seems to give you suggestions on whats good for you in terms of a man of course. Unless you are a strong woman; mentally , you will find yourself gravitating towards what the world offers on silver platter which if you were to look closely at is wooden.

    30 Angelina Fabric Styles You Can Steal From NOW!

    Angelina fabric has been around for years! But isn't it amazing how suddenly its flooding the streets of Accra in that Dashiki style we all can't get enough of? Oh but wait! Isn't the fabric called Dashiki? No. Lets get you educated before the style inspirations. Dashiki is a colorful men's garment widely worn in West Africa that covers the top half of the body. It has formal and informal versions and varies from simple draped clothing to fully tailored suits. A common form is a loose-fitting pullover garment, with an ornate V-shaped collar, and tailored and embroidered neck and sleeve lines. (Wikipedia) So basically its a type of style and the fabric is Angelina which i actually uncovered whilst in Makola enquiring about the names of wax prints in Ghana. 

    The fabric is popularly being sewn in the Dashiki form and many are coming from China in all kinds of colours . But why not stand out differently from the rest of the crowd?

    8 Valuable Lessons We Can Learn From KingsMan: The Secret Service

    How could one movie be filled with best a** kicking action, cute spies, rib-cracking scenes, James Bond envy gadgets and the best of British street slang all at once? It was all possible with KingsMan: Secret Service the hottest British spy action comedy (what kind of film category is this again?). Fantastic movie guaranteed to make you shriek, guffaw and have you saying 'You taking a piss out of me!' So what lessons can we learn from this all-star movie? 

    Registrar General Says You Can Register Your Business Online But Don’t Try It Yet.

    Registering your company in Ghana is a hustle and a time-wasting experience which can have you frustrated and leave you to resort to using connection guys to help. These guys too aren’t cheap. So you can imagine how refreshing the news felt when I heard you can now register your business entity online now. Registrar General is getting techy. I was excited to see I could check if my business name was available through the Name Search function and reserve the Name as well. But before you get all excited, here’s why I think you should hold off on doing so for now.

    How It All Went Down At #DumsorMustStop Vigil.

    The long-awaited, non-partisan #DumsorMustStop has come to an end. A vigil initiated by Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson and some concerned Ghanaians took place today after some days of insults on social and traditional media. 'You are doing the work of NPP,' accused one NDC official as the Ghanaian actress announced her intentions. After all is said and done, the vigil finally took place. How was it, you ask? High turnout with splatters of disorderliness and selfie-taking celebrities.