How To Prepare The Green Soup called Ebunubunu.

Ebunubunu is basically a Light Soup base mixed with smoothly blended Nkontonmire (cocoyam leaves) which naturally gives it that green color. Some people prepare it without the light soup base but I am yet to try that. Green is a sign of health isn't it? I am really trying to chew more leaves. LOL!  I had to try and make it I thought to myself. It was the only Ghanaian soup I didn’t know how to prepare so try it I did.

Here Are The Winners of the 20th GJA Awards 2015.

Congratulations to Seth Kwame Boateng of JoyFm for winning the GJA Best Journalist Award for 2014! I felt so proud of him (never met him before) as he gave thanks to God for this miracle. A miracle because he started out as a receptionist at Love Fm. From a receptionist to a National Award winner! He poured praise on his wifeas he quoted Proverbs 18:22 and how he found favor because of her. I wish I could have seen her face.  As a last born of 17 children this is how far the Lord has brought him.

This Healthy All-Ghanaian Fruit Mix is a GameChanger!

Imagine my delight when I discovered passion fruit, rambutans and sour sop (aluguitungui) all at the same fruit corner at Rawlings Park, Makola. A recipe was already brewing in my head as I made my purchase and made a quick exit of the choked marketplace. You know how the place gets right?

Rambutans are cousins of lychees and apparently are fruits brought in by the Chinese to cultivate here. One was GHC 0.50. One. Yes, one. But they are deliciously sensational!

Keeping and eating healthy is a priority for me. It's not an easy task though and it takes a lot of effort to eat right whilst going about your business. Here's a recipe I made with these fruits which are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and all kinds of nutritious sensationalism. 

Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Scared To Work In Tech Because You Are A Woman.

Women in Tech is not a new topic. So much has been written about it. So many incidents where women were picked on instead of being praised.

From sexist jokes being made at conferences to harassments in many workplaces, especially tech startups, one would have thought by now, we would have learned our lesson.

Well, we haven't and that's sad ... I came home last night to find a hashtag on twitter #ILookLikeAnEngineer . I wondered what it was all about and after digging deeper found this article that started it all.

Say Yes To Savings

Saving doesn’t come without challenges. Keeping records of every expense to ensure that I don’t overspend can be daunting. I decided I needed to know how much I had spent every month and what to cut out of my expenditure. I started keeping a little book to record every expense and soon that book got forgotten. Then, I bought and downloaded an iOS App called Expense, which was great! It categorized my expenses and I could see my total expenses and income in a month. I forgot about it for a while, but I am back on it. But one thing I was sure about was that I wasn’t spending more than my earnings and I was channeling the rest of my salary into my savings.

Easy To Make: Kale & Mushroom Salad

You can imagine my delight when I discovered Kale at SowGreen during the Accra Green Market which I swung by today. Kale!!!! Oh boy, was some salad going to be in trouble! I then got really fresh oyster mushrooms from Green Harv Farms which is officially my best source of fresh oyster mushrooms any day, any time! 

The weather was perfect for a cool kale and mushroom salad and by the time I was done, this had to be the BEST salad I had ever made! Cross my heart! The vinaigrette was amazing and I took inspiration from the AllRecipe site. I wasn't sure if I had to steam the kale or eat it raw. But now I know raw is great!