DumSo DumSo @56

If I had my way this year’s Independence Day on 6th March will not be celebrated, sure maintain the holiday but then all the pomp and gallantry will be cancelled. Save the children hours of dehydration and fainting spells whilst marching and standing under this crazy hot March sun.
But I don’t have such powers to execute such orders. In a time of severe drought (water shortage), darkness (energy crisis), LPG shortage and aviation fuel crisis and high fuel prices this is rather a time for reflection and action.  56 years. Ghana is 56 years? I could have sworn it was 20 and not 56, because we don’t have anything to show for it. Sure there has been some developments here and there ( more schools, more real estate, ‘better’ roads and who knows what else the politician will come up with as part of his campaign messages) But we have a loooooooooooonnnnnggg way to go as a country. We talk too much in this country and don’t do enough. Many of our leaders are all nouns and no action verbs.
 My post today is a very simple one. I am just going to tell you how my lifestyle has changed dramatically due to the DumSo DumSo crisis and severe water shortage crisis. I won’t be surprised if ECG decides to give all Ghanaians ‘free light’ on our Independence Day. Wait and see.
I live in Nyaniba Estates, a suburb of Accra where water shortage has never been a problem until just about 8 years ago. It wasn’t so bad initially, the taps would flow only in the mornings and afternoons and nothing in the evening. Sometimes, if my household was unlucky the tap would be flowing two houses down and not in ours due to low pressure. This gradually reduced to twice a week ( Saturdays & Sundays) and gradually to once a week. So the yellow ‘Kufour’ gallon became a household item in addition to the Polytank storage we had in the house. Last year, up until this year the water shortage has just been a nightmarish occurrence which I just want to wake up from. 

This is just a list of how the water shortage has changed my lifestyle

  • I have to carry empty Kufour gallons to work at least 3x a week and pay someone to fill them up. After work, I have to send these home immediately  especially if there is no single drop at home. So if some guy says we should have dinner I cancel out because of these gallons! ‘Oh sorry, I have to carry water home for cooking!’ Smh
  • Expenses for the home has increased as I have to buy more ‘pure water’ bags to be used for cooking. Can you imagine how stressful it is having to open it sachet bag for every cooking process? I wont even mention laundry expenses.
  • Some little things which I took for granted is now such a luxury to do…flushing the toilet with clean water, washing plates, scrubbing and cleaning the floor with clean water and basic hygienic practices have now being hampered by this water crisis. 
  • i get so excited when I hear sounds of the tap being about to be opened. But they government owes me this service so why the excitement? I pay income tax for goodness sake!
  • i tell my stomach to behave during the weekends when GWC swerves us. The devil is a liar.
  • As for buying waakye I am now very hesitant because I think twice about the source of water used to cook one of my favorite dishes.
The energy crisis is just ridiculous and disgraceful. Can politicians and government leaders say #fail? Solar energy is too expensive they say. Blame ECG, ECG blames VRA, VRA blames Cenit or whatever.
  •         I have to charge every gadget I have in the office before leaving. Laptop, tablet, phones, camera battery .. the works.  
  •         If I don’t have lights at night, I pack my stuff and go to Smoothy’s to work. Imagine people without gadgets and any form of entertainment. The population will surely explode in 1Q 2014.
  •       Thankfully the freezer in the house has a stabiliser so no blowouts for us. However, foods stored run a risk of spoilage exposing my household and all other Ghanaian households to all kinds of food infections.
  •      Now i have to iron every evening for the next morning because once you have lights in the evening, believe that it would be gone by 6am the next day.
  • ·       I have to call every evening to check if the lights are on or not. Sometimes I get positive news only to get home and its off. 
  • ·       I wonder if shops have increased price of goods being sold not just because of fuel but adding generator cost to them as well. It wouldn’t surprise me.
  •      I am unable to meet production levels for my handmade accessories
  • Generators 

Prez JDM needs to act fast and quick because Ghanaians are tired and life is becoming difficult for many. #Ghana56 is no different from Ghana@50 or Ghana@40. The bridge between the rich and the poor is ever widening, corruption is not at zero and the better Ghana is not anywhere near better.

I went to the market Independence Day morning and took shots of the city and its people. iPhoneography at its best.

ZoomLion has lost some waste?
Generators all over 
Waste on our streets

...and more waste

Independence Day? I just want to sleep

What has been your experience during this energy and water crisis? Share your experience 

UPDATE: 6/3/2013 6:20pm

I was in my room when i heard a loud bang and my mom shouting, 'Fireworks, its a fireworks display'! I went outside to see the sky illuminated with a greens, reds and yellows! People were pouring out onto the streets to watch the display which seemed to be coming from the Osu Oxford Street. Thanks to inspiration and a gentle reminder from my friend Dozie i went back in for my camera and captured these shots. :) No tripod so forgive if they are a bit a bit blurry. 

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