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Twitter Announces plans to “kill” off fleets.

Well that was fleeting. Twitter announced earlier this week, a rather unexpected plan of killing of Fleets on August 3, 2021.

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If you are similarly shocked about this development, you aren’t the only one. What’s their reason for shutting down the “Stories” like feature of the bird app? Not enough engagement aka not a conversation starter. Read their blog post giving further explanations here. Well, on that side of things that’s totally true. I would post several photo & video content and out of maybe three Fleets posted I would get one emoji reply to that tweet in my DM’s. 😣

If you are new to Twitter (whew !) Fleets is similar to Instagram Stories (get it?) Users get to tweet about their day, upcoming events , what lunch looks like in a photo, text or video format. Same thing but with a different UI experience.

But gauging from people’s replies, some actually don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️ about Fleets send off.

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However, they plan on releasing something more exciting than Fleets in the coming weeks. What’s it going to be? We already have Spaces for audio conversations and Fleets is dead oh and did you know Periscope died too? Shocking! Is Twitter becoming Google? 🤦🏾‍♀️ At least we can still go live from the native Twitter app so there’s that. Oh wait! Perhaps it’s the EDIT BUTTON!! Nah. Keep dreaming.

Let’s wait to see what’s coming from our favourite blue bird app.