#MyKpenkpeshie: Lily Got Her Sister Locks Locked Down!
My previous interview with Mavis turned out to be an opportunity to come across the CEO of the studio where she was working. Lily Sefa-Boakye is an art consultant and CEO at Tiga Studios in Labone.
Why did you decide to let your hair go back to its coily nature? How was the journey from perm to natural?
Lily: I have always kept a short hair even with permed hair. So one day my niece from USA came home to visit and she had really beautiful sister locks and I told myself ' I gotta have that!' Then I started transitioning. I was spending lot of money on weaves when I started transitioning. I had on weaves most of the time. I used mostly ONYC weaves from the States. Before locing I had the Afro hair going on. Then I did the big chop. Locking my hair was a great decision. I don't have to worry about co-washing and all that drama. It is more manageable and cost effective.
Where do you get your Locks installed and maintained?
Lily: I go to Black Cotton in Dzorwulu. When I started locking , I was her first customer for sister locks and the salon was the first sister locks consultancy in the city. I would advise anyone wanting to lock their hair to see a Locks consultant.
How has the lock journey been so far
Lily: In the beginning it was a bit scary because my hair is scanty so the first stage saw me having Locks with my scalp exposed. Also my hair line had receded a bit due to incessant wearing of braids and weaves. But did I care? No. This is me and people had to take me for me. As it grew in length, I added a bit of colour which you can see now but I am planning to change it to something warmer. Maybe dark red. Color makes my hair have a different look every now and then.
How did most people react to your current Locks?
Lily: I haven't worried about people's opinions on anything. I guess my work also contributes to my hair.
What is your maintenance regime like?
Lily: I was a product junkie when I was in afro hair. I used all the products to maintain my hair. But with sister locks I don't add anything to it. I don't even look in the mirror in the mornings. No co-washing all that. Due to the presence of natural oils in the hair, I don't add any oils to it. It's so easy to manage. You can treat it like permed hair as in you can create a part anywhere to create any style thanks to the grid system.
Would you ever Perm again
Lily: I would shut down relaxer companies if I could
What would you say to women who want to go natural but are afraid to?
Lily: Hmm what are they afraid of? God made us this way. Why should permed hair be the status quo?
So, did you enjoy this article? Have you locked your hair or considering it? What are your reasons? Honestly, I have been thinking about it too.
Please do share in the comments below.
#MyKpenkpeshie is a natural hair feature on the everyday Ghanaian woman and her natural hair journey. It's a creation & curation of stories by Ghanaian women as they recount childhood memories, stigmatisation, natural hair care tips, societal reactions to their change and more.