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Savory Mornings With Kale and Egg Muffins.

Monday mornings can be a total rush. I know that feeling well. My days of having to work at a 9-6 most often saw mornings being the 'empty-stomach' mornings. My stomach only got filled after 9am with a quick cup of tea and tea-bread- croissants- if I was lucky enough to get the last piece. 


It is very possible to make a quick and healthy breakfast before hitting your 8-5 job instead of resorting to plain tea or coffee. Let me cut to the chase and show you how to make this insanely delicious and healthy kale & egg muffins recipe with 15mins. 

I got my Kale from SowGreen, my current FAVOURITE farm to get greens ( Arugula, Baby Spinach, Swiss Chard, Kale, Parsley) which aren't popular on the local market. SowGreen comes to the GreenMarket at the Kaya Bar on Saturdays. I am still working them to open an online store on Storefoundry. Saturday is always a long way from Monday. Too long. 

To make Kale & Eggs Muffins, you need

1. 3 or 4 Large Eggs

2. 7 Kale leaves

3. Half-Onion

4. Chilli Pepper

5. Salt 

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 1

Put all ingredients together in a bowl with eggs. 

Beat and add in a dash of salt. A dash oh!

Pour into muffin tins. This cooking equipment is every woman's cooking weapon I tell you. It does amazing things and makes you a SUPERCOOK!

Place in oven and wait for the goodness to appear. I hopped into the bath and by the time I was out which was 10minutes ( Yes I bath really quick!) it was all done.

Once you bring them out, dont be surprised to see it deflate slightly once out of the heat. The taste remains awesome still.

This is savouriness at its BEST

What I love about this recipe is the few ingredients which still made the eggs flavourful.

Kale has 2.5 grams of fibre (which helps manage blood sugar and makes you feel full) according to WebMd. I can testify to this as I feel full for the rest of the morning. No need for mid-morning snacks till lunch. Yipee!

You should try this recipe and tag your food #SeeMyChow on Instagram for a beautiful feature. Have a beautiful, gracious week!