All tagged parenthood
I was pregnant at the age of 39 in 2018 and had my rainbow baby in 2019 at the age of 40 via C-section. Today is Mother’s Day and I have been reflecting on my motherhood journey a lot this week. So I thought I’d share my experiences and insights so far as a #momover40.
Owl's Nest International School held a successful, fun and engaging sponsored walk which was organized by the school's Parent's Teacher's Association (PTA)
Tomorrow Is Father's Day so I decided ask a select group of Moms (with newborns, toddlers, adolescents) on how men can be more supportive as a new Dads.
I’ve finally potty trained my two-year old girl! Huge huge win for this Mommy!! The relief i feel is just incredible! It’s no joke buying diapers for two years non-stop! The cost involved, the physical chore of taking off and putting on diapers at least twice a day everyday had finally reached it’s limit. It was time to dive into the potty training phase!
Your friend just whatsapped you first shots of their new baby and suddenly you are racking your brain on what to gift them. You’ve never bought any baby related gift before and this looks kind of complicated. But it really isn’t. This gift ideas list is not a full list but an extremely relevant one that will guide you in your purchasing decision.
These apps are free to download and play (no subscription or packages) with zero ads. No need to break the bank with these apps.
I hope these tips I share will prove useful for you if you are a new Mom and Dad . We definitely can’t rush your child’s natural development ( walking especially) but for her language skills there are things you can do to boost it.
Why should men be allowed to jump a queue during weighing? Why should we reward men for being part of a natural childcare process like weighing and immunization?