This Healthy All-Ghanaian Fruit Mix is a GameChanger!
Mango season is always one of my favorite fruit seasons in the country. What we used to ‘Sarlo Mango’ mango is today a most-sought after fruit by hotels and restaurants and every household. This has of course increased the price of the giant sized mangoes. Some go for as much GHC4 for one!
Imagine my delight when I discovered passion fruit, rambutans and sour sop (aluguitungui) all at the same fruit corner at Rawlings Park, Makola. A recipe was already brewing in my head as I made my purchase and made a quick exit of the choked marketplace. You know how the place gets right?
Rambutans are cousins of lychees and apparently are fruits brought in by the Chinese to cultivate here. One was GHC 0.50. One. Yes, one. But they are deliciously sensational!
Keeping and eating healthy is a priority for me. It's not an easy task though and it takes a lot of effort to eat right whilst going about your business. Here's a recipe I made with these fruits which are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins and all kinds of nutritious sensationalism.
Before starting my days work, having a bowl of fruit makes me all sprightly and bright-eyed. I don’t feel too heavy like I would have if I had started my day with Ga Kenkey. So here’s my recipe for you to chase off the Monday and any weekday blues and be get ready to be empowered!
You will need:
1 Mango
2 Passion fruit
Half of Sour Sop
4 pieces of rambutans.
Avocado pear
Difficulty level 1
1. Wash the Mango under running water
2. Cut into cubes. I found this really amazing tip on Pinterest on how to slice mangoes. It was just fantastic! I will be eating my mango like this hence-forth!
Keep the cut slices in a bowl.
3. Wash and Peel rambutan and slice thinly onto the mango cubes. Leave out seed.
4. Wash, and cut open passion fruit and scoop out flesh plus seeds and pour onto mango and rambutan mix. The seeds of passion fruit are part of the juice and flesh. They are crunch and practically tasteless.
. Deseed sour sop with a paring knife and add to the mix.
Sour Sop
6. Gently stir to avoid crushing the mango into bits. The sour taste of the sour sop and passion fruit and the sweetish flavor of the mango and rambutans make this mix your healthiest breakfast ever.
Mango, Passion fruit, rambutan and sour sop delight. Can you almost taste it?
7. Cut avocado pear into halves , remove the stone and scoop the fruit mix into each half. Makes an unusual bowl doesn’t it? Now you can enjoy the fruit mix plus a healthy dose of avocado! How is this not a game changer ?
8. Enjoy at the fullest!
This will have you going throughout the morning without feeling hungry so that you can actually avoid unhealthy snacks before lunch-time.
Which Ghanaian fruit is your favourite? I have always loved mango and banana but hey I am open to all of them!